Stargate Atlantis: Closing Walls and Ticking Clocks (Final Countdown Remix)

Jun 11, 2009 17:48

Original Fic: Impossible Odds, by bluebrocade
Remix: Closing Walls and Ticking Clocks (Final Countdown Remix) [John, 100 Words, Rated PG-13] by kernezelda

422 seconds. Seven minutes plus, that John had escaped Rodney's fondling frottage in Atlantis’ highest cell.

That last mission to Morreya, Rodney had flipped his lid quicker than John could flip coins. He’d wandered Atlantis in a daze, reciting quantum poetry, clutching John’s hand.

They'd locked him away. He was home. He was happy.

Every day, John visited him. He bore with Rodney's loving touch, his gentled voice and mad eyes.

Sometimes, though, it was easier to hide in the bathroom.

422 seconds. Per John’s watch, 178 left. He blew a raspberry and squelched his palms together.

423, 424, 425...

original author: bluebrocade, remix author: kernezelda, -round 6-, fandom: stargate atlantis

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