Angel the Series - Sorrowful Mysteries (Ten Hail Marys, One Our Father)

Jun 11, 2009 11:03

Original Fic: untitled, by lodessa
Remix: Sorrowful Mysteries (Ten Hail Marys, One Our Father) [Drusilla, Spike, Fred, 100 Words, Rated PG] by blueyeti

Daddy doesn't love whiny-whimsey-losty Fred. He only found her. The numbers fighting, snarling, biting in her mind made her. Not the drip, taste, Daddy's blood, then ten hale Marias, (their lives shivered in my belly).

My Spike wants her like me. He's ill. He caught Daddy's crucifix and it's burning his white-hot heart. It's Tuesday. It's Lent. Decades curled around my wrist, screaming like Daddy in my past. I knew he would leave.

She'll bequeath me Spike and turn him blue. I wouldn't visit pandemonium (only moonstruck dreams), but he's coming back to me.

I'll be beautiful, like a waif.

fandom: angel, remix author: blueyeti, -round 6-, original author: lodessa

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