Firefly: Sensations Inside (The Contemplation Remix)

Jun 10, 2009 21:56

Original Fic: The Last Session, by melodyunity
Remix: Sensations Inside (The Contemplation Remix) [River Tam, 100 Words, Rated G] by maharetr

There is fear and calm, all at once.

He calls her quiet, and maybe she is. Maybe it’s quiet inside her head, and the fear she’s feeling is his. He appears calm, scratching the page with his pen, but she doesn’t think the fear is hers anymore. She has a mission now. She is calm. She is calm and he is afraid, and the people behind the glass are not bored, because this is not a routine session.

She has a mission, and she can’t tell if the excitement is coming from behind the glass, or if it’s her own.

fandom: firefly, -round 6-, remix author: maharetr, original author: melodyunity

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