due South: Law of the Jungle (The Urban Remix)

Jun 04, 2009 14:47

Original Fic: Untitled Dingo Ficlet, by kernezelda
Remix: Law of the Jungle (The Urban Remix) [Diefenbaker, 100 Words, Rated PG-13] by keerawa

scent of blood and after-birth, thick under the alley-reek of rotting meat and fruit. wrong scent. not-wolf. not-dog. not-man. not-Pack. the female does not belong.

she had come into our territory to make a lair, birth her cubs, and take the food that is ours. our answer is simple necessity. kill the female. kill her young. feed them to our cubs, that they might live through the hungry time.

but …

the Pack has no cubs. there is plenty of food. so much food. the Pack never hungers.

so he tastes the strange scent, no threat, and is …


fandom: due south, remix author: keerawa, original author: kernezelda, -round 6-

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