All the ficlets from rounds 4 and 5 have now been tagged by fandom, wordcount, rating, remixee, and remixer at
Delicious account. I hadn't realized round 3 never got tagged so I'll be going back to take care of those later, as well as the index post and some other modly things.
trascendenza had also tagged the first two and a half rounds by character, pairing, and genre. This is more than I can handle now that we have so many fics being posted, and unless anyone objects I'll probably be deleting those tags in the next few days so as to make the tag list less cluttered. As with the index and the posts themselves, there are probably some errors in the Delicious labels, so if you happen to see any problems please let me know.
If you save some of the fics with your own Delicious account that will make them easier for others to find.
If you'd like to help these remixes get more love, here are some other things you can do:
Announce and cross-post at your own journal, either by reposting your fics or by linking back here. Since we didn't do anon posting on this round there's no need to wait. Someone else on your f-list might have signed up as a remixee but neglected to friend the comm and then forgotten about it. They will be grateful for the reminder!
Cross-post your ficlets to fic communities, checking to make they fit the community rules. Most fandoms have drabble communities; check to see whether they allow different kinds of short ficlets or only 100-word drabbles.
Post links to fandom newsletters, not only to your own writings but to everything from the relevant fandom. This will let other people in your fandom know about
remixthedrabble, and maybe they'll sign up for the next round, which could make for easier matches and MOAR FIC. Again, check the community rules - some newsletters (such as
spnnewsletter) will not link to drabbles.
Please be sure to include the name of your remixee and a link to the original fic if and when you cross-post. Mentioning
remixthedrabble would also be nice.
Please don't forget to thank your remixers!
Stay tuned for a poll sometime in the next few days about what went well this round and what we can do better next time. Thanks, everyone!