Title: Five Lives Elizabeth Swann Never Lived (Except When She Did) (The Quantum Leap Remix)
velvetmouseSummary: Elizabeth has never been one to let a silly little thing like reality get in her way.
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairings: Elizabeth/various
Rating: PG
Word Count: 7,981
Spoilers and/or Warnings: Spoilers for all three movies, won't
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Comments 7
So, um, yeah, this was pretty brilliant. Your Elizabeth voice is pitch-perfect and the writing is so damn good and all the little AUs are so fleshed-out and amazing! Your Elizabeth is fabulous, all smart and funny and clever.
I also love the dynamic between Elizabeth and Jack, and how you can preserve the Elizabeth/Will stuff as well.
"Hello, James," I say to the coalescing form in front of me.
This is my favorite part, hands down. Not gonna lie, I would read a hundred stories about ghost!Norrington. *_______*
I'm so glad you liked it! You created such interesting possibilities in so few words, they were just begging to be fleshed out. I'm glad you liked what I did with Jack and Elizabeth; as I was writing it, I found Elizabeth so perfectly balanced between Jack and Will that I couldn't really tip her to one side or the other, even in worlds where one didn't exist.
And James... oh James. He really was the only choice for her to contact, wasn't he? That was one of those (too few) moments in writing that came with perfect clarity.
Thank you so much, both for the original story and for your kind words!
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