Title: Poor Little Lamb (The Draco's Choice Remix)
rynneSummary: Draco had choices to make.
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Harry Potter
Spoilers and/or Warnings: through DH.
Title, Author and URL of original story:
The Prince and the Lamb by
lyras (
Poor Little Lamb (The Draco's Choice Remix) )
Comments 11
Oh, wow. I love the way you've used my little ficlet (which was written before DH came out) and tied it in with the canon we got for the Malfoys in DH. I love the Malfoys in DH, but they don't exactly come off well, except for Narcissa, so it's wonderful to see Draco's POV here. I loved the moment where he's wiser than his father, but realises he can't play the role of Snape to his father's Draco.
Poor Draco, all his illusions stripped away. You made me believe in him here, with all his lost hopes and helplessness. I love that he just doesn't care about the Elder Wand at the end. And the last line is wonderful.
Fabulous - I look forward to finding out who you are!
The ficlet you chose is definitely one of those I would have liked to do more with, given an opportunity, so I was delighted that you used it here.
Thank you for giving us what so much of what was missing in canon. And you wrote such a wrenching expose of one of the most prominent enemies of Potter in the series! I cannot point to what impressed me or moved me the most because that is every paragraph! This is more harrowing for its insights and the Potterverse more rounded for this being a part of it.
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