Congrats, You've Met Your Match (The Space Captain Remix) [Star Trek XI/Stargate Atlantis]

Jul 13, 2009 09:34

Title: Congrats, You've Met Your Match (The Space Captain Remix)
Author: roga
Rating: R
Fandom: Star Trek (2009)/SGA
Spoilers and/or Warnings: none.
Words: 3000
Notes: Remix of sabinelagrande's Takes One to Know One. Thank you to thedeadparrot and sabrina_il, my amazing, cheerleading betas who improved this infinitely ♥.
Summary: Jim Kirk has issues with the new guy. (Academy fic)

Have you seen the new guy? )

rating: r, remix author: roga, original author: sabinelagrande, crossover: star trek xi/sga, character: john sheppard, fandom: stargate atlantis, pairing: jim kirk/john sheppard, character: james t kirk, fandom: star trek xi

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Comments 152

penknife July 19 2009, 20:00:46 UTC
Bwah! This is hilarious, and I adore it. "Son of a bitch!" Jim's eyes widen. "You do style your hair to look like that!"! And my pants don't play the guitar! ♥


roga July 26 2009, 17:38:22 UTC
Thank you so much! For your comment, and for your rec right off the start of Remix, which totally made my day :D


sabinelagrande July 19 2009, 20:55:05 UTC
Dear Remixer:





sabinelagrande July 21 2009, 18:25:35 UTC
Now that I'm a little less hungover and a little more coherent, let me expand:

I LOVE THIS. When I wrote the original, I really just couldn't be buggered- I just sort of threw Jim and John together, Rule of Hot, sort of thing. I had this vague idea that maybe they both went to Starfleet Academy, but I wasn't really interested in doing any more with it.

And this? This is exactly how it would go. Both of them are just pitch-perfect, and their interaction is priceless. And poor long-suffering Bones! I love it!

You're my favorite. <3


roga July 26 2009, 17:44:24 UTC
Yay you liked it! :D Dude, thank you SO MUCH for writing the original, it was a blast to play with :-) I'd been looking for an excuse to write some Trek fic, so it was really fun to discover that a few weeks (or days? I don't remember) after I'd been assigned to you, you started writing in this fandom.

I don't even know where Bones came from, but he just would not leave, and apparently I really enjoy writing him. So hee, thank you for opening this door to me. Yay remix! \o/


kisahawklin July 19 2009, 20:59:34 UTC
Ahahaha, this is brilliant! Well done.


roga July 26 2009, 17:45:04 UTC
Thank you so much! :-)


deelaundry July 19 2009, 21:33:18 UTC
HA! This is so fun. Very Kirk and very Sheppard, and very hot.


roga July 26 2009, 17:47:09 UTC
Thank you, I am happy you liked it! And yay, getting comments from friends on anon stuff = best thing ever.


kassrachel July 19 2009, 22:12:12 UTC
and even if he weren't just trying to take control of this Academy back into his own hands, Jim would not actually object to tapping that.


I totally love this. This is awesome. Sex and snark and oneupsmanship and orgasms -- these are a few of my favorite things!


roga July 26 2009, 17:50:17 UTC
Yay, thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :D I'm so glad I finally got the excuse and a good prompt to write Trek fic with...


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