Title: Rules of Engagement (A Pity Beyond All Telling Mix)
glinda_penguinSummary: The only thing sadder than a battle lost.
Rating: R
Fandom: Stargate: SG1
Spoilers and/or Warnings: anything up to New Ground during Season 3. Violence, death, destruction, sexual assault, themes more than anything.
Title, Author and URL of original story:
Rules of
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When I first read your story I could only think of Rwanda and Keane's Season of Blood, I found myself re-reading that and I knew that I had to remix this one. I don't know that I've ever seen footage of the Rosomo falls, or if there even was any, but when I read his description of them I always feel that I have.
A few years ago I saw a documentary on a project to help survivors, mainly rape victims, of the genocide. It talked about how soldiers who knew they had AIDS had purposefully infected so many women. Mainly I remember how strong those women were, refusing to give in, determined to make a better life for their children before they died. Narina came from my memories of that.
From being unable to comprehend how people in power could have seen the footage, could have known and turned away. That horrible sense that humans are capable of such terrible things and fail to learn from history so often.
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