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Comments 6

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oneiriad July 27 2009, 19:12:53 UTC
Thank you :-)


erinya July 20 2009, 07:18:54 UTC
This is fantastic! Such an original style, and it works very well. I love that you gave Ms. T such a wonderful story of her own. And I love the femslash aspect of it, too, and the allusion to all those folk songs about girls dressing up as young sailors. And the encounter with Anamaria! This is a great remix because it gives a completely new window onto the original story. Kudos!


oneiriad July 27 2009, 19:11:11 UTC
Thanks, I'm thrilled that you like it :-)

I was kind of worried that people would hate this remix, because of the OC-centeredness of it (is that even a word? - well, it is now.) and besides, this has been my first foray into the wonderful world of femslash as a writer.


biichan July 25 2009, 07:39:39 UTC
This is insane and lovely and AWESOME :D

(I love the framing device.)


oneiriad July 27 2009, 19:12:36 UTC


*might possibly be grinning like an idiot*

*bounces some more*


fyrdrakken July 29 2009, 21:11:16 UTC
Recced this one, and had to google Queenah-Kootah to verify that yes, indeed you were doing a wee Neal Stephenson crossover as well. Very well done! Delighted at what a fascinating life managed to intersect unsuspected with the familiar onscreen characters.


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