Title: Interstice (the Saddle in the Rain Remix)
therckSummary: Miroku's curse wants to be passed on.
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: InuYasha
Spoilers and/or Warnings: References to and fears about potential suicide and potential rape.
Title, Author and URL of original story: Empty Acquaintances by Numisma
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Comments 4
I've only seen a few episodes of Inuyasha, enough to have an idea what's going on, but I don't know if Miroku ever got rid of the curse, or this was just a stop on the inevitable way down.
Part of what captured my attention about the original fic was trying to imagine how Miroku and Kikyou would end up with each other. I had an instinctive urge to reject the pairing as wrong (nothing at all to do with the quality of the original fic, more to do with the two characters and how I see them). That caught my attention and made me twist the idea around to look at it from all sides.
I think that being with Kikyou won't damage Miroku more than the curse already has. I don't think he'll be pleased with himself over it, but he knows that everything he gets comes with a price. She's also being fairly altruistic here. She doesn't gain much by helping him except the knowledge that she has helped.
How interesting that you also felt the pairing was wrong, and still chose to remix it. That was very brave of you, and probably why your fic had such emotional complexity and depth. I haven't read the original fic at all, so that's not at all a judgement on its merits.
I had a strong response to the original and wanted to take my response apart, too. As I was figuring out which fic to remix, I eliminated those that didn't draw a response that strong or that didn't present immediate ideas in other ways. I still had four fics that I was considering. I felt this was the one I could really sink my teeth into. I kept the other options in mind in case I couldn't find the words for this one.
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