This is the general template of how you should post your remix.
Subject line: fic: Story Title (Remix Subtitle) (Fandom, Characters or paring, rating), e.g., Back from the Great Beyond (The Velvet Underground Overdub) (Supernatural; Sam/Dean)
Title: Back from the Great Beyond (The Velvet Underground Overdub)
Author: [this line should have your sockpuppet name listed, until the reveal]
Summary: Sam is waiting for a sign that won't come, a sign they probably don't even need, and nothing Dean says will change his mind.
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester [if your story does not have a pairing, you type: Character(s): Character 1, Character 2, as needed]
rating: R [please use MPAA ratings for consistency. use your judgement on how your story should be rated.]
Original story:
Eurydice by
wanttobeatree [please include a link to the original story, as well as the title and author]
Notes: [beta thanks etc. can be added in when you put your author name in after the reveal]
< Your LJ cut here > ***
Back from the Great Beyond (The Velvet Underground Overdub)
You will tag your fic as follows:
fandom: [fandom the fic is in, no abbreviations], character: [full character name] (tag for each main character of your story), pairing: [character 1/character 2 - please use the full names of each person in the pairing] (if there is more than one pairing, you tag for each plot-relevant pairing), rating: [rating], original author: [name of person you've remixed], remix author: [lj sockpuppet name to be changed when author names are revealed]
If you've written a crossover, tag for each individual fandom, and also use crossover: [fandom 1/fandom 2, again, no abbreviations].
If your story does not contain a pairing, you do not need to use a pairing tag. Use only such tags as are applicable to your story.
We know this caused some confusion in the past, so to be clear, the prefixes, such as fandom or character, must be included in the tags. For example, this story would be tagged: character: dean winchester, character: sam winchester, fandom: supernatural, original author: wanttobeatree, pairing: sam winchester/dean winchester, rating: r, remix author: dr_darth [to be changed to remix author: musesfool when the reveal occurs]
The comm should automatically be set to post as flocked, so please do not touch the security settings when you post.
Please set comments on your story post to "Don't Email." You should use the "Track" feature (as yourself, not your sock) to track when your story gets comments, because all email for the sockpuppets comes to the Remix gmail account, and you don't see it anyway.
On that note, please remember that approval and rejection notifications for your post won't be emailed to your personal accounts, so please log back in and check that your post is there and looks exactly as you want it to. We aren't going to be fixing format errors for you.
We highly recommend using the HTML posting interface, rather than the rich text interface, which makes stories difficult to edit after posting.
Most importantly, please remember to preview. Almost every mistake we see can be picked up by you at that stage, and it makes our lives a lot easier when we don't have to reject entries or email you to tell you your LJ cuts didn't come out quite right. It also means we don't feel the need to brandish the scary poky stick, and that's always a good thing. Truly. (Believe me, you don't want to make
luzdeestrellas mad.)
After the author names are revealed on July 26, you may post your story in your own LJ and wherever else you like.
If you have any questions about how to post your story, please comment to this post.