Title: Unsalvageable (The Hell in a Handbasket Remix)
sevendeadlyfunSummary: Faith ends up in L.A. after the fall with the ghost of her former Watcher and a friend obsessed with setting things right.
Rating: R
Fandom: Angel the Series (Angel: After the Fall)
Spoilers and/or Warnings: Spoilers for Angel: After the Fall comics to #9 and Buffy: Season 8
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Comments 12
You,” she repeats. “I think you should probably make that picture bigger.”
The sad truth is that Evil isn’t ugly; that evil looks so damn good, comfy even.
Hell has no bedtime
Princess Bride shout out! *squee*
She wonders if he’s actually gotten more boring after death, and if that’s even possible.
Talking Angel down off this ledge is a job for the One Girl, capital O capital G and those caps don’t belong to her. Gotta shrug it off. No time for pity parties in Hell.
Don’t be evil isn’t exactly a peppy t-shirt slogan, but for here and for now and for her, it’s a victory.
I love this Faith!
The exchange I love the most:
“You want to hear about duty and honor? Fine,” Wesley smiles, a humorless twist of the mouth, “As a Slayer, your duty is to fight the forces of evil. Go. Fight. Don’t die.”
“Gotcha,” she says with a shake of her head. “I won’t die. But what about you?”
"Bit late for me to take my own advice,” Wesley notes drily.
*hugs poor Wesley*
The language is very evocative, and I like how you "show" the full horror of Hell and the blasted landscape Faith finds herself in. I also love how the exterior horror is a perfect mirror reflect of Faith's inner horror.
Faith's voice is also really good here. It's mature, wounded, and bruised, but unlike the Faith in my version, she's not broken. Cracked, definitely, but not broken.
I also have to admit that I'm glad that the deal with Angel in this story is more on the level of UST. In my story it was admittedly tacked on (*wince*) because I wrote it for a fic-a-thon and either Angel/Faith or Angel/Faith/Wes was the parameter of the request. I don't do 'shipping all that well and it was admittedly a weakness of the original. While I'm not sure what I would have done differently, I loved how you re-wove that into a tricky, prickly relationship for this ( ... )
Here's the link to my rec for this story. Hopefully it will get you a few more readers who'll comment: http://liz-marcs.livejournal.com/447991.html
While I *do* enjoy a nice, 'shippy story, I feel like some relationships are almost better as UST. Faith and Angel, for me, are better for keeping what passes between them as yearnings. It also just works better for the characters as they've progressed through the comics.
I saw your journal entry and I had to giggle. I am American and I do tend to write in a Southern Gothic style (though I rarely read it, so wth self?). My heaviest stylistic influence is probably Hawthorne, though. I enjoy his heavy examination of the psychology of his characters and how very descriptive he is.
Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. I was very glad I had to chance to remix one of your stories.
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