Always Summer

Apr 18, 2008 21:06

Title: Always Summer
Author: seperisSummary: It flows like water over Rodney's hands, slipping between his fingers in shimmering green and ocean blue by turn, quilted layers as soft as down. It's warm, reminding him of cashmere and silk, of a distant planet he hasn't called home in more years than he can count ( Read more... )

remix author: seperis, character: rodney mckay, original author: panisdead, character: john sheppard, pairing: john sheppard/rodney mckay, fandom: stargate atlantis

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seperis April 26 2008, 19:36:41 UTC
Thank you very much!


celli April 20 2008, 02:27:28 UTC
This is just fantastic. And this is the most amazing, evocative line:

Rodney was too old to fall in love like this decades ago; he feels a lot younger now.


seperis April 26 2008, 19:37:05 UTC
*g* I seriously wrote part of the *story* around that line. I am so neurotic sometimes.

Thank you!


panisdead April 20 2008, 03:38:16 UTC
This is very fine. I love the slow, relaxed unfolding of the story, as well as how gentle it is--Rodney's recollection of the epidemic and John's illness is affecting, but no longer desperate. I love to see them settled into their lives this way, to see them have the chance for comfort in the middle of everything.

I also like how playful they are with each other, that John really does wear the jacket, and that there is still enough tension and heat between them that Rodney's gift can be both remarkably thoughtful and the intro to porn-o-rama. ::g::

As a remix, this is like a little treasure hunt. Figuring out where the links back to my story were and what you reversed and expanded on was just a pleasure. I really enjoyed this. Plus, since I have two stories, one of you is a pinch-hitter, and if it is you I am mega-impressed at the fast turnaround. Thanks so much!


seperis April 26 2008, 19:38:15 UTC
The bedcoat idea was addictive--I kept coming back to it and imagining Rodney in it, all shimmering fabric, smooth and maybe textured around the seam lines, smooth--it was seriously *something*. I'm very, very glad you enjoyed the remix. I loved all the backstory you implied with so few words.


panisdead April 27 2008, 14:39:39 UTC


beadattitude April 20 2008, 08:19:18 UTC
Oh, I'm such a sucker for fic with lots of touching, lots of humor and teasing and joy between them, and a judicious amount of nakedness and such.

You hit so many of my buttons with this, and tenderness and intensity, too. Such lovely contrasts.


seperis April 26 2008, 19:38:42 UTC
Thank you very much! *bounces*


beadattitude April 26 2008, 20:38:45 UTC
I just read it all over again, and wow, Jen, so beautiful. The sweetness of Rodney going off world and thinking so much of John, and looking after him. Boots and cloth and room temperature and snagging up the blankets before he gets cold. ::clutches whole fic to bosom::

And John warm and sleepy and happy, stretching and getting why Rodney brought him the cloth and his lazy warm stretch at the end, drawling that they're already married, probably (absolutely).

There's a whole story of John here, underneath Rodney's that's just as vivid and dear, full of how much joy he has in their relationship, running through the story like threads of silver. The other stuff, too, fighting illness and the hardscrabble life they have, but his joy in Rodney is palpable and shining.

:::squeeeeezes you::


seperis April 26 2008, 20:49:54 UTC
*purrs at you* They are so in love. I haven't written a real romance since Smallville--I have no clue why, I burned down freaking *worlds* there to get my cuddling--so this satisfied the part of me that wanted to see it. And yes, they're married, and John will do laundry with a secret smile (since he's still restricted from going offworld until his cold clears) and Rodney will come home to all those neatly folded clothes and then see John in the new robe and--guh.

So married. Thank you!


gaffsie April 20 2008, 08:21:11 UTC

I don't know what it was about this, exactly, that made me sit up and take notice, but I really really loved this. It paints such a vibrant picture of John, Rodney, Atlantis and life in Pegasus. I could almost feel the chill of winter, the cascade of silk over skin.


seperis April 26 2008, 19:39:18 UTC
Thank you very much! I am *seriously* a fabric person--just imagining all the different colors and textures was awesome.


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