Five People John Sheppard Didn't Expect to Miss, But Does [SGA: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay]

Apr 17, 2008 10:10

Title: Five People John Sheppard Didn't Expect to Miss, But Does (And One Person He Expected To Miss, But Doesn't Anymore: the Role Reversal Remix)

Author: kassrachel

Summary: John Sheppard. Five people. And then there's Rodney.

Rating: R

Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis

Original story: telesilla, Five People Rodney McKay Didn't Expect to Miss, but Does (and One Read more... )

character: rodney mckay, rating: r, remix author: kassrachel, original author: telesilla, character: john sheppard, pairing: john sheppard/rodney mckay, fandom: stargate atlantis

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Comments 34

bluflamingo April 19 2008, 23:45:43 UTC
I really like these, especially the last one - someting about how much it means to John that Rodney calls him perfect is really sad.


kassrachel April 27 2008, 16:41:52 UTC
Thank you; I'm so glad you enjoyed them! (And the whole thing just makes me go "Oh, JOHN" with great love. :-)


telesilla April 20 2008, 00:28:15 UTC
This is great! I really like the mirroring here and the fact that this version of John is paired with the Rodney in the original fic. The fact that you took the same type of people for each section--a sibling, someone from SG-1 and so on--and made them work for John really works. In fact this works on two levels, both as a companion to the original and as a stand alone fic.


kassrachel April 26 2008, 17:50:27 UTC
Thank you most kindly! I'm so glad the mirroring worked for you. It was fun to try to figure out how to mirror the kinds of people who made up each section of the original -- sibling, someone from SG-1, a neighbor, a singer -- and make them fit into John's life in a way that felt real and paid homage to your original. :-) Thanks for giving me so much awesome stuff to work with!


helsmeta April 20 2008, 01:13:53 UTC
*squee* I love the last one -- and Rodney's surprise at how perfect he thinks John is (even if John has stacked the deck a bit at that particular moment) is terrific. :D


kassrachel April 27 2008, 16:43:07 UTC
Thank you so much; I'm really glad you enjoyed them!

And yes -- John did kind of stack the deck, there, living up to one of Rodney's dearest fantasies like that. *g* But I'm guessing that even if Rodney said it in a moment of -- er -- rare inspiration, he really does mean it, deep down.


tesserae_ April 20 2008, 02:07:23 UTC
Oh, nice - and yeah, so sad that it's Rodney thinking he's perfect that resonates so strongly with John...


kassrachel April 27 2008, 16:44:29 UTC
Thank you! I like to think of it as, what's so great about their relationship is that Rodney thinks he's perfect exactly as he is. I get the sense John wasn't able to be emotionally (or physically) present enough for Nancy, and it seems clear that he and his dad weren't on good terms, and all that jazz, but Rodney -- he's exactly right for Rodney, and Rodney's exactly right for him. *g*


green_grrl April 20 2008, 02:38:22 UTC
Mmmm! This is a fabulous counterpart to the original. They are a matched pair now, in my mind. I love the twist that what Rodney believed about their fantasy lives isn't quite true, but that their relationship is just as solid as he thinks it is.


kassrachel April 27 2008, 16:45:21 UTC
Thank you so much; I'm really glad they feel like a matched pair to you!

I love the twist that what Rodney believed about their fantasy lives isn't quite true, but that their relationship is just as solid as he thinks it is.

That's exactly what I was going for. Yay!


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