Title: A Perfect Christmas (Winter Wonderland Remix)
Author: Rose Williams
secondsilkSummary: Chase tries decorate the apartment in the proper Christmas spirit.
Fandom: House
Pairing: Chase/Cameron
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: House et al belongs to David Shore et al
Original story:
Perfect by Sabine Gordon
sabinelagrandeNotes: Many, many thanks to
topaz_eyes for betaing.
A Perfect Christmas (Winter Wonderland Remix) )
Comments 6
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I'm glad that you liked my Chase, and the contrast between him and Cameron.
And that the funny stuff was funny.
But the remix? It is made of love and awesome and win. It makes me not hate the original quite so much to see it from the other side. I love the little bits about Chase's family thrown in, because Chase is love.
I love you so hard, remixer.
I am so pleased you liked what I did.
I had such fun thinking about how Chase ended up how Cameron found him.
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I'm so glad it worked and that you liked it.
I can't remember whose Chase story I read while writing this, but Chase's optimism was something I was pleased to capture.
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