Acceptable Risk (the Slow Build Remix) [Stargate: Atlantis; John/Rodney]

Apr 12, 2008 23:50

Title: Acceptable Risk (the Slow Build Remix)
Author: darsynia
Summary: It was April when they kissed the first time.
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Spoilers/Warnings: vague season two spoilers // slash
Original story info: First Monday, by flyakate

Acceptable Risk (the Slow Build Remix) )

rating: pg-13, character: rodney mckay, remix author: darsynia, character: john sheppard, pairing: john sheppard/rodney mckay, fandom: stargate atlantis, original author: flyakate

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Comments 63

flyakate April 19 2008, 23:49:07 UTC
OMG so hot! *falls over* I love this slow build of their relationship, and the present and the hotness of the dog tags and the two of them trying to have something that's just theirs within all these structures...

Great! You did a wonderful awesome job!


darsynia April 26 2008, 19:49:37 UTC
I'm so pleased that you liked it! I had a hard time picking a story because all of them were like these great snapshots into the characters lives. Plus, an object of significance without explanation was just BEGGING to be remixed :D

Thank you very much!


celli April 20 2008, 03:24:58 UTC
Damn, that's hot. And the dog tags thing is just AWESOME.


darsynia April 26 2008, 19:50:36 UTC
Thank you! I couldn't resist, because flyakate's story specifically mentioned a small box, and I thought for days about what could be in there! I'm happy you liked it :)


seperis April 20 2008, 05:44:21 UTC
Wow, that was good. That was *really* good. The slow build of hte relationship, the dogtags, the structure's amazing. Beautifully done.


darsynia April 26 2008, 19:52:34 UTC
*blushes* Thank you! I usually find it really hard to touch on something briefly and move away, so this story was a departure for me in that respect. I'm really happy to hear that it worked for you, especially as you're one of the first SGA writers I came across, and I really love all of your stuff. It's like a compliment inside a compliment!


seperis April 26 2008, 20:03:23 UTC
Okay, now to get back sine I was short-feedbacking then:

IT was *gorgeous*. It really was. This is everything a remix is--seriously, you and kassrachel raised the bar on this one--taking the original and fingerprinting it into something that relates to the first but stands on its own. I kept this open *days* reading it over and over, because it just struck me as *so good*. Both characters getting comfortable in a relationship, both characters discovering more and more about each other, the dialogue was *fucking perfect*, the dogtags--I could spend years on teh hotness, and you turned it into an actual plot point and gave it meaning--God. How have I missed your fic before this? MUST MAKE NOTE TO READ EVERYTHING YOU HAVE WRITTEN.

In short, thank you for writing something so *good* and complete.


darsynia April 26 2008, 20:39:37 UTC
I'm being teased unmercifully by the hubby for the ridiculously doofy grin on my face, but I don't mind in the slightest--seriously, thank you, this is... yeah, really, really awesome of you to say. Not the least of which is because after reading the first of your stories I'd come across, that's about the same capslock reaction I had. Honestly, in my browser if you were to type in 's' and let the thing autocomplete, it ends up at your website. I lived and breathed your recs for DAYS once I'd found them--so, again, thank you for making it even *more* worthwhile to have written something that was so fun to do in the first place!


beadattitude April 20 2008, 10:50:11 UTC
Oh, my, this is fantastic. So fantastic.


darsynia April 26 2008, 19:53:33 UTC
Thanks so much! This was my first remix ever so it means a lot to hear that!


cupidsbow April 20 2008, 11:08:43 UTC
That's delightful! I love the way you solved the mystery of the present, and the build up of the relationship is the boys at their adorkable best.


darsynia April 26 2008, 19:55:27 UTC
Yes, the present! It's funny, I'd read flyakate's fic earlier in the year and had thought to myself 'man, I really wish I knew what that was' and when I found I'd been assigned to her for the remix, I definitely felt drawn to this story in particular. I'm grinning at 'adorkable best' because I so see them that way--thanks for your kind words and feedback!


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