One Peace At A Time (One Damn Thing After Another) [Stargate: Atlantis; McKay/Sheppard; NC-17]

Apr 13, 2008 11:39

Title: One Peace At A Time (One Damn Thing After Another)
Author: cupidsbow
Summary: The day he woke up and counted seventy-nine blood dots on his calendar, John panicked. It was taking too long. Something had happened to his team. They weren't coming for him.
Rating: NC-17 R
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Warnings: Violence; torture. Because this was posted ( Read more... )

character: rodney mckay, original author: argosy, pairing: rodney mckay/john sheppard, character: john sheppard, fandom: stargate atlantis, remix author: cupidsbow, rating: nc-17

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Comments 39

argosy April 20 2008, 02:50:08 UTC
Oh, this fills me with such GLEE. This is wonderful, and oh I'm so in love with your Sheppard here. Operation Win Rodney! Naming the guards after Star Wars! Being annoying as he can to get Rodney to go to the hangar!

Every detail about John is perfect. John knows it will be awesome when Rodney gets over his genderswitch freakout, John calling the bug "buddy" and the way he sees/thinks about them.

Also, hee! Teyla's half-closed eyes!

Anyway, I just adore this, and I love the take on the story through John's eyes. Oh, John. :)

And the way you expanded what was just a plot device in the original--(okay, kidnap, torture--check) into such an amazing story about John's imprisonment--it was suspenseful and engrossing and just great.

Hurray! So good!


cupidsbow April 26 2008, 16:53:08 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad the remix worked for you. I worried a little that it might be too dark -- which is crazy because it's really not that dark. But I worried anyway.

This story was just such a pleasure to write. Thank you so much for signing up. I couldn't have asked for a better remix experience. <3


celli April 20 2008, 03:46:47 UTC
Oh, that is SO awesome, and complements the original story perfectly.


cupidsbow April 26 2008, 16:54:14 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad it worked so well for you.


(The comment has been removed)

cupidsbow April 26 2008, 16:56:09 UTC
We have to stop meeting like this. :)

I had so much fun writing the remix -- I'm glad it people seem to think it worked as a complimentary story. That's exactly what I was hoping to write.


cupidsbow April 20 2008, 11:18:14 UTC
I was a bit hesitant about the warnings, but I actually found the bugs kind of funny, and I'd always wondered about that part of the original story, so this really hit the spot for me.


cupidsbow April 26 2008, 16:57:27 UTC
Hahaha. You are such a dork. I doubt anyone suspected this story was by you in the first place. *facepalm*


argosy April 26 2008, 17:00:40 UTC
Dude, you fooled me. *shakes fist* More comments to come later. :D


aurora_84 April 20 2008, 16:46:31 UTC
This was just amazing!!


cupidsbow April 26 2008, 16:57:46 UTC
Thank you. :)


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