Book (The Genre Revue Remix) [Stargate Atlantis; Elizabeth Weir, Rodney McKay; PG-13]

Apr 12, 2008 21:45

Title: Book (The Genre Revue Remix)
Author: panisdead
Summary: Five ways they come to blows.
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Elizabeth Weir, Rodney McKay
Rating: PG-13
Warning: none
Spoilers: none
Title, Author, and URL of original story: Book, by siegeofangels
Beta: Thanks to umbo and kormantic for giving this a brief once-over.

Book (The Genre Revue Remix) )

rating: pg-13, character: rodney mckay, original author: siegeofangels, character: elizabeth weir, remix author: panisdead, fandom: stargate atlantis

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Comments 34

siegeofangels April 19 2008, 22:37:50 UTC


The crack! The cats! The meta! I can't stop laughing at the funny bits and I love the subtle injury instead of a slap during the wingfic part.

Oh, god, and Rodney as a cowering drag queen. HEE.

I really love this, and thank you so much for doing it!


I'm very pleased you liked it! soubi_smalls April 19 2008, 22:51:35 UTC

... )


Re: I'm very pleased you liked it! siegeofangels April 19 2008, 22:58:07 UTC
*claps gleefully*


Re: I'm very pleased you liked it! panisdead April 26 2008, 17:30:33 UTC
And also, thank you for not publicly noting that I originally spelled your username wrong in TWO OUT OF FOUR OPPORTUNITIES. *headdesk*

Still glad you liked it!


busaikko April 19 2008, 23:52:05 UTC
OMG this is brilliant!

I can't even pick out a favourite -- though wrapping up with the incisive meta, that's a stroke of genius. And the bonus cat picture! *cackles* You are a warped genius!


panisdead April 26 2008, 17:34:35 UTC
Thank you! Truthfully, I like the cat picture better than most of the written sections, but I couldn't quite bring myself to post it in the body of the story. ::g::


incidental_fire April 20 2008, 00:00:11 UTC
This was *marvelous*! I loved how much it reflected the original drabble, while also going off in such a different way. The meta part was fascinating, especially how you included the author's note that was originally in the comments! Very clever!

I think the bodyswap one may be my favorite, because the idea of Elizabeth just decking Rodney kind of amuses me - also, Rodney as a drag queen is hysterical. Hm, on a meta note - at least in the McKay/Sheppard fic I tend to read, I've never read a cross-dressing Rodney (but at least a few where John did), and genderswap tends to be Rodney changing into a female. Eeenteresting.

P.S. The Rodneycat picture really does complete the set perfectly. :)


panisdead April 26 2008, 17:43:54 UTC
Cool! I'm glad you liked it! The meta part was actually the easiest to come up with, and I kind of built it around siegeofangels' comment, since her summation was so perfect.

Cross-dressing Rodney: someone (scribblinlenore?) once did a poll about cross-dressing as kink where she posted the same column of characters under two different headings. It was something like, "Picture this guy in a little black dress. Which ones make you say oooh? Which ones just make you want to cry?" I love Rodney to death and think he is super hot, but I still know which column I'd stick him in.

Thanks again!


cupidsbow April 20 2008, 11:37:34 UTC
This is fantastically clever and I read each one with delight and couldn't wait to see what you'd do in the next.


panisdead April 26 2008, 17:44:20 UTC
Awesome! I'm glad to hear it.


aurora_84 April 20 2008, 15:33:09 UTC
This was awesome!!


panisdead April 26 2008, 17:44:30 UTC
Thank you!


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