Remix/Redux V Archive Open for Business

Apr 22, 2007 14:10

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, may I present to you:

The Archive is open. 325 stories in 77 (or so) fandoms from Alias to Yami no Matsuei, and many more in between.

The best way to navigate the community is via the tag list - you can find the remix of your story by finding your name in the original author list, and you can also navigate by fandom, pairing, and character.

Read. Love. Send feedback, even though the authors will remain anonymous until next Sunday, April 29th. Speculate on who remixed whom. Thank your remixer. Have fun and thank you all for participating.

To track comments on your story, please use the "track comments" feature of LJ.

If you feel the need to reply ASAP to your feedback, please do so anonymously, or via your sockpuppet LJ. We went through a lot of work to make this anonymous, and I don't want that blown the first day.

Thanks, guys! I hope you had fun!

Thank you especially to my fellow mods, who helped shoulder some of the burden this year:

amberlynne, devildoll, hwmitzy, luzdeestrellas, and mousapelli.

Thanks and love to all the pinch hitters, for helping out above and beyond the call of duty. I owe you guys, and I appreciate your willingness to help out more than you can ever know. I don't think I've forgotten anyone, but if I have, let me know. I apologize profusely.

devildoll, fryadvocate, marksykins, luzdeestrellas, mousapelli, ignipes, megthelegend, eilandesq, krabapple, ranaeros, oxoniensis, callmesandy, gblvr, tartanshell, likeadeuce, inksheddings, florahart, nopejr, aillychan, zooey_glass04, zelost_mind, bironic, reddwarfer, rynne, witchqueen, lupinslittlesis, riko, sathinks, and shayheyred.

As you can see, a number of you are getting more than one remix, because, oh frabjous day, some of the original remixers came through in the end as well. Be happy. *g* I figured nobody'd mind having *more* fic to read. *g*

And again, remember to acknowledge your remixer ASAP!

Thanks again to amberlynne for the hot banner, and to mousapelli for the icons.

Thank you to dracofiend for providing the matching algorithm, and to tripoli8 and lonelywalker for helping me with the data entry.

Let me know if there are any glitches or thingies not working right, either here or via email at remix [at] illuminatedtext [dot] com.


remix07, admin

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