Poll About JE Fandom for Remix

Mar 06, 2010 19:00

As some of you know, we've had some discussion about exactly how to get JE into a workable format for Remix signups.

Last year we handled this by saying that authors who signed up had to have at least ONE fic in either Arashi/KAT-TUN/NEWS, on the idea that those bands have the most fic overall. This year, we're considering changing the required band list a little. I've noticed that there tends to be more overlap between KAT-TUN/NEWS/K8 authors, for obvious reasons, and not so much with Arashi, but on the other hand there seems to be a good number of Arashi authors in general.

Obviously, though this depends heavily on how many JE authors sign up for remix and how flexible they are.

JUST TO CLARIFY: although you have to have enough fics in the bands listed to sign up, you might not have to write that/those bands. Once I get assigned a NEWS author, I might decide to remix their Kis-My-Ft2 story instead. All we're trying to do is to make sure that everybody has the best chance of getting some fics that they are able to Remix with a minimum of drama.

So if you are considering Remix this year and write JE, please take the poll:

Poll JE Fans: Are you signing up for Remix?


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