remix #001 - november (colourlovers pallette challenge)

Nov 01, 2011 13:21

Every month, remixers hosts a "Remix Challenge", which encourages members to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves to try something different, under various design constraints. Members are not obligated to sign up with any particular site, but can apply the challenge to anything they want to or may be working on. It's all about practicing and trying new things! At the end of the month we'll round up and see what everyone who chose to take up the challenge came up with.

This month's challenge is a colourlovers pallette challenge. soundforce and I have selected 5 color palettes from colourlovers as you can see below:

Please choose one of the five (or more, if you're willing to take on the challenge multiple times!) and follow the guidelines below:
➟ Sign up is not required to take on the challenge! You can apply the challenge to anything you're working on: a full-fledged domain redesign, a simple fanlisting design, or a layout you make just for fun. The design doesn't even need to be coded--if you just want to use the challenges for practice, you're more than welcome to!

➟ Choose one of the five palettes and use at least four of the colors in your design. You can use them in any way: from background color to hoverstates, so be creative!

➟ The challenges are by no means "private", so if you're working on a challenge and want some help, feel free to share your work in the Process Posts!

➟ We will post a Submission Post on November 20th, and members will have until November 25th to submit finished work. Work submitted to this post will be included in our roundup post at the end of the month, where we'll take pretty screencaps of everyone's work and display all the awesome stuff people created for the challenge!

➟ Last but not least, have fun! We're looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. ♥

That's about it! If you have any questions or concerns about the challenge, feel free to post it in the comments and Aku or I will clear it up for you! Oh... also, everyone who participates will get a little surprise, look foward to it ♥!

# monthly remix

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