remix #002 - challenge complete!

Jan 31, 2012 21:02

Breaking the line up of soundforce posts! I'm here to share the results of our second challenge! Congratulations to everyone who was able to participate and complete our January Remix: New Year Revamp Challenge. Even if there were just a few participants it was quite interesting and awesome to see how each one of us managed to get 'inspired' by previous works! Keep the hard work everyone and hopefully members that didn't manage to participate in this one will be able to do so next month! ♥

applemana : Aminuet - domain collective
Inspired by Devotion

"Gradient background and border on top :D - (Oh gawd, another domain revamp..) I think this is the first time I made a layout using purple as the main color. :P"

soundforce : - fanlisting collective
Inspired by Al fine · Mind your sugar levels

"I've been fighting Donten for a month, trying to figure out what to do with it, so in a way this Remix came at a good time! I tried to draw inspiration from the usage of multiple textures on Caesar, as well as the way I treated the manga scans on Gintoki! I think it's a little more floral and feminine than I anticipated it being when I decided to use Giorno, but maybe that's okay once and awhile haha."

spacerays : Tiger Flames - sanada yukimura approved fanlisting
Inspired by Faded Flower · Blue×Prism Heart · Restraint

"To be honest after this remix I noticed that it's really hard for me to force myself and use elements from other layouts, so it was pretty difficult to come up with this revamp. I deleted a lot of layouts until I managed to do this one. I got mostly inspired on Kuchiha since it was a big layout with that big title on the top, while for the content I used elements I used on Masato and Asato but obviously everything evolved to the point that maybe it'll be a little hard to notice lol."

Any opinions, comments or anything related to the works our members presented!? Feel free to add your comment on the post ♥ Congratulations again to the participants, feel free to grab a button if you want to show your Remixers pride or just link the post as you did participate ~

In other news, like soundforce mentioned on this post from next month we'll be running REMIXERS ❤'s and as an incentive for the hard work we'll dedicate one post to each month's remix! Feel free to follow us on tumblr and enjoy the eye candy ♥

# monthly remix

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