[admin] sockpuppets and icons

Mar 25, 2007 15:15

All the Remix sockpuppets have been added to the remix_redux community, which is currently friendslocked and moderated.

Only remix mods and remix sockpuppets will be given membership in the remix_redux, so please don't try to join.

On the morning the archive goes live, I and the other mods will change the security level of each story so it becomes visible to the public. The archive will not open until everyone has a story. Don't be the person who holds that up.

mousapelli and I made some remix icons, based on the lovely graphic amberlynne made, for your use. One has been uploaded to each sock account as needed. Some of you have already uploaded your own sockpuppet icons, which is fabulous. Feel free to use icons you've made for the purpose of Remix, but 1. please remember you are sharing the account with 9 other people, so do not delete someone else's stuff, and 2. the icon cannot be recognizable as one of the icons you use on your own LJ or associated with you in any way.

A sample Remix story post template has been posted. Please follow it when posting your story.

Three weeks until stories are due! I hope you're all having fun. If you are planning to drop out, NOW IS THE TIME TO MENTION THAT.




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