Remix/Redux V: Archive Open for Business

Apr 22, 2007 14:16

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, may I present to you:

Remix...Redux V: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

The Archive is open. 325 stories in 77 (or so) fandoms from Alias to Yami no Matsuei, and many more in between.

The best way to navigate the community is via the tag list - you can find the remix of your story by finding your name in the ( Read more... )


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etben April 22 2007, 18:24:43 UTC
Possibly I am just very, very pretty - but I don't see a remix for me (although the one I wrote has shown up just fine). I've checked the tags list, along with the fandoms that I've written in - am I missing something?


etben April 22 2007, 18:33:01 UTC
It's still locked, I think - I can see it when I log in under the sockpuppet, though.


wutangfellowshp April 22 2007, 18:37:57 UTC
I noticed it too and freaked out a bit, since I worked hard on it. So I just went in and unlocked it. Hope that's okay with the mods...


etben April 22 2007, 18:44:12 UTC
aha! thank you so much!

(and thanks also to our wonderful, wonderful mod, since I forgot to say that earlier - all of your work on this is awesome in the extreme.)


musesfool April 22 2007, 21:30:36 UTC
Heh. Thanks. And sorry about that. It's always something, you know?


musesfool April 22 2007, 21:18:48 UTC
Yeah, thanks for taking care of that.


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