Title: A Three Step Plan (Rabu Rabu Remix)
reddwarferSummary: His plan will work, Mizuki knows, because he planned it.
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Fuji Yuuta/Mizuki Hajime
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Konomi-sensei, et al. own the Prince of Tennis
Original story:
Back Tactics by
numismaNotes: Thanks to my betas. I appreciate all of your help.
Mizuki grinned as he eyed Yuuta, who was finishing up weight training in the gym. Things had been a little tense since their loss to Seigaku, and Yuuta was only just recently talking to him regularly again.
There was still the sticky matter of Syusuke whose opinion was held in great esteem, despite Yuuta’s many statements to the contrary, and the anger directed towards Mizuki still hadn’t abated much. Syusuke was still hung up on the insignificant matter of him referring to Yuuta as a fool. As soon as he became a more official member of the Fuji family, he was sure Syusuke would accept him with open arms.
He fingered his hair as he waited for the most opportune moment to set his plan into action. Mizuki liked Yuuta’s fierce stubbornness-sometimes bordering on belligerence- most of the time. It made it easy to rile and direct it at opponents across the court. Manipulation was the only way to deal with people like Yuuta, who greatly distrusted anything straightforward, requiring more trickery in their handling, the irony of which amused Mizuki greatly. In other matters, however, Yuuta’s willfulness could be difficult to deal with.
Like now. Twice he’d tried to get Yuuta to be a little more amenable to a closer relationship, but he’d been rebuffed. Mizuki was smart, and after consulting his data, decided not to press too far, lest Yuuta let slip to his brother what Mizuki was up to. That would be problematic.
“Yuuta-kun,” he called over across the room, waiting til Yuuta looked up at him. This would be easy if he just let his natural charm work together with Yuuta’s inherent respect for his superior knowledge and abilities. “Let me know when you’re ready to cool down, and I’ll show you some special new techniques.”
Nodding, Yuuta went back to do one more rep, working on strengthening his shoulders. Mizuki knew that Yuuta wanted to be able to use the Twist Spin Shot without risking his shoulders. It irritated him that he was still growing and had to wait. Patience was not Yuuta’s strong suit.
Plus, he’d rather wait until Yuuta was further in his, er, clutches before showing off to his rival that he’d won. Closing his eyes for a second, Mizuki imagined the look of Syusuke’s face when he presented the perfect picture of a loving couple before him. Yuuta would be holding his hand, and they’d be wearing matching shirts. That purple one with large tropical floral print would do nicely. It’d compliment Yuuta’s eyes.
Just when he was getting to the best part, where Syusuke would tell how dominating and manly he was, a quiet, irritated voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Mizuki-san,” Yuuta said, looking at him with slight distrust. “You mentioned wanting to do some special training.”
Casually, Mizuki placed a hand on Yuuta’s shoulder, squeezing it for a moment before schooling his face into concern. “You’re tense, Yuuta-kun. Allow me to help you.”
Raising an eyebrow, Yuuta followed him over to a bench. Just when Yuuta’s curiosity grew enough, he tugged at the shirt, and Yuuta raised his arms to help him. The shirt was off before Yuuta could register that it was being removed in the first place.
“Why am I topless, Mizuki-san?” Yuuta asked him, looking as if he were debating between holding his chest out in pride, or snatching back his shirt to redress.
Intervening before the shirt could change hands again, Mizuki pointed at the bench. “Lie down, and I’ll help to work out some of the tension.”
As predicted, Yuuta obliged him after a moment’s contemplation. It wasn't the first time he'd given a massage to Yuuta. This, however, was the first one that would be directly on that beautiful skin, second only to Mizuki himself. Yuuta had mentioned the other day that his brother gave the best back rubs, and what sort of rival would he be for Syusuke if he didn't compete in any way he could?
Mizuki quickly threw his leg over both the bench and Yuuta, and looked down with a smile. Part one of the plan was a complete success.
Quickly, he took the oil he had in his pocket out, pouring some in his hand, warming it slightly before running his hands down Yuuta’s back. There was a slight shiver that Yuuta couldn’t hide from him. This was going quite well indeed.
He almost raised his hand to hair before realizing it was coated and oil and didn’t feel like washing his hair yet. It always made it too frizzy. Instead, he kneaded Yuuta's back, considering each moan, repressed or otherwise, a victory. Step two was clearly working in his favor.
Yuuta turned, partially, as if to say something, uttering a gruff, "Uh?"
"Hmm, Yuuta-kun?" he asked, smirking knowing that Yuuta couldn't see his face. The boy was putty in his hands. This time he dragged his nails down Yuuta's back, enjoying the way Yuuta squirmed in response. It was even better now that the shirt was off, much better.
He'd never tell, but Yuuta always blushed whenever Mizuki touched him. Yuuta tried to hide his face, but he could see the tips of his ears go pink as well as the skin at the nape of his neck. It was because of all the little sounds he made, little moans he couldn't keep back, muffled groans that came out no matter how hard Yuuta bit his lip. He'd be fantastic in bed, Mizuki was sure.
"Turn over, Yuuta-kun," he directed, sensing the time was right, and he grinned when Yuuta obliged without a comment.
This time, he sat directly on Yuuta's waist, rubbing his shoulders, and chest, accidentally-on-purpose rubbing his oiled hands on Yuuta's nipples, moving his hips subtly.
"Mizuki-san?" Yuuta asked, closing his eyes. Success. He moved his hips a little more against Yuuta's, rubbing against him as he rubbed his hands all over Yuuta's chest, not even bothering to pretend to be just massaging him.
He leaned down, hovering a centimeter over Yuuta's face, gave his lips a predatory lick, and slowly moved forward. If this kiss was a success, then it almost guaranteed everything else would go smoothly onto part three, which would occur on his bed in his room.
Just as he could feel the faintest tickle of Yuuta's lips, a loud voice boomed over the intercom. "Fuji Yuuta, you have a call."
Blinking his eyes open in shock, Yuuta scrambled away from the bench, grabbing his shirt as he went. Scowling, Mizuki trailed after him. He couldn't allow the mood to disappear or it'd be twice as hard to get to this point next time.
"What do you want, Aniki?" Yuuta grumbled into the phone, his face morphing from embarrassment, to shock, to annoyance in under a minute. "Shut up."
Mizuki deftly grabbed the phone out his hand, "Fuji Syusuke, this is…"
The beep of the disconnected call rang in the silence between them. He shrugged, hanging the phone back up. "Now, where were we?" he asked, giving Yuuta is best and most sexy expression, reserved for special occasions only.
Yuuta looked at him for a moment, eyebrows almost disappearing into his hair. "Um. My. Er. Trigonometry. I need to. Go. Uh. Finish." And with that, Yuuta shot down the hall.
Curling his hair around a finger, he smiled, shaking his head. That boy. Then he frowned. "Hey, I helped you finish that yesterday," he called down the hall, but Yuuta had already turned the corner and disappeared.