Title: Agony Aunt (The Tidy Up Remix) Author: ion_bond Summary: While Remus waits, he might as well keep his hands busy. Rating: PG Fandom: Harry Potter Note: Original story is Agony Aunt by st_aurafina
Oh. Oh! *hugs self* This is amazing - oh, wow. /nearly speechless with delight.
I love your locked-away Remus, quietly doing his job, trying to make ends meet while the world is going to pieces around him, wondering how to fit things together again. And that slightly lost feeling that comes once school is over and adult life begins - that's so perfect. Exuberant, tactless Sirius is lovely, over-the-top, demanding and careless - and just wonderful.
So many lovely little details here: the Crystal Standard and its staff (I love Manfred the leisure editor!), that Sirius found his painters in a pub, the little glimpses of the Order meetings, and the gang hanging out at Sirius' flat.
And wonderful plot too - such menace. I love the way Remus can't ask the same questions about parentage any more, I love what you're implying about Lynette Windropp and her cigar-box of letters, I love the atmosphere of doubt and fear, and Remus' feeling that it's inevitably all going to end horribly.
Thank you so much for making me love this incarnation of my story. Thank you for taking such care with it, and making something beautiful from it.
Even though I don't feel that I did your story justice.
You really did do it justice. I'm in awe of what you did with it. Isn't it funny - you must have been writing this around the time that I was celebrating my fanfic birthday, and it was the first long fic I'd written. How you must have chuckled to yourself.
Yeah, I remember "meeting" you and your X-Tarot this time last year in my apartment in Berlin with the stupid ethernet cord that didn't reach the desk so I had to lie on my belly on the floor.
I can hardly believe that you only started writing a year ago. Happy birthday.
I love your locked-away Remus, quietly doing his job, trying to make ends meet while the world is going to pieces around him, wondering how to fit things together again. And that slightly lost feeling that comes once school is over and adult life begins - that's so perfect. Exuberant, tactless Sirius is lovely, over-the-top, demanding and careless - and just wonderful.
So many lovely little details here: the Crystal Standard and its staff (I love Manfred the leisure editor!), that Sirius found his painters in a pub, the little glimpses of the Order meetings, and the gang hanging out at Sirius' flat.
And wonderful plot too - such menace. I love the way Remus can't ask the same questions about parentage any more, I love what you're implying about Lynette Windropp and her cigar-box of letters, I love the atmosphere of doubt and fear, and Remus' feeling that it's inevitably all going to end horribly.
Thank you so much for making me love this incarnation of my story. Thank you for taking such care with it, and making something beautiful from it.
You really did do it justice. I'm in awe of what you did with it. Isn't it funny - you must have been writing this around the time that I was celebrating my fanfic birthday, and it was the first long fic I'd written. How you must have chuckled to yourself.
I can hardly believe that you only started writing a year ago. Happy birthday.
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