Title: Frozen Solid (The Heart Beats in Its Cage Remix) Author: templemarker Summary: It was a fucking cold-ass winter. Rating: R Fandom: due South Title, Author and URL of original story: Remix of Solidity by ekaterinn.
Oh. *sighs happily* I love what you've done here, how you've taken my basic little fic and somehow deepened it. This made my heart clench:
It made Ray feel the need to chase him down. Problem was, Fraser was right there all along.
And this made me grin:
"I'm not going anywhere," Fraser said again against Ray's mouth.
"I know, Fraser," Ray said, kissing him again and again. "I know."
I'm in awe of your Ray voice, which is exactly right and I love how Ray's the wise one here, showing Fraser how to navigate the heart's reasons and wants with the ease of long experience. Thank you so much!
Comments 8
>But it made Fraser itchy and anxious, without someone to chase down. It made Ray feel the need to chase him down.
Especially the way Fraser takes the chance in the end, asking for something he hopes he can have.
It made Ray feel the need to chase him down. Problem was, Fraser was right there all along.
And this made me grin:
"I'm not going anywhere," Fraser said again against Ray's mouth.
"I know, Fraser," Ray said, kissing him again and again. "I know."
I'm in awe of your Ray voice, which is exactly right and I love how Ray's the wise one here, showing Fraser how to navigate the heart's reasons and wants with the ease of long experience. Thank you so much!
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