Title: Power Corrupts (The Absolute Absolution Remix) Author: alara_rSummary: It's the trial of the aeon. The Q Continuum vs. Kes, for the destruction of the Borg
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Oh, very nice. You raised a lot of issues here, in a compelling fashion, which is something Star Trek usually fails to do, particularly Voyger. They get too stuck in their platitudes to really deal with consequences.
Wow! I have to say that I don't normally like stories like these, because I see them as mere contrivances to allow characters to pontificate on behalf of the author. However, I think you manage to avoid that trap here, since the arguments the characters put forth are completely in keeping with their characters as portrayed by canon and they never sound like you've taken them OOC just for the sake of furthering an argument. I also like that you effectively raise some deep issues, without becoming overly preachy or dropping anvils on your readers, and that they are issues that canon opened the door on, and never satisfactorily addressed.
So, I liked this, and I am happy that I didn't let the summary put me off reading it. I'm always interested in how writers address shows like Voyager which did such a wonderful job of creating intriguing characters and then promptly turning around and neutering them. Kes, in particular, had tremendous potential. I'm glad to see that addressed here and for her to have a final fate that makes much
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I can't believe more people haven't commented on this excellent story! You raise some very good points, and you discuss them while keeping everyone completely in character. I am very impressed. (And, as a side note, how much do I love that Q is all guns blazing out to revenge himself for Kathy and Jean-Luc's loss??)
Oh, I love it. That rarity of things, a trial story where everyone gets good arguments, arguments which entirely fit the characters in question. Awesome.
OMG! Where to start! Alara, you did a bang up job of taking a piddly little 100 words and telling a tale with it. Plus you brought in one of my all time favorites book series evah! "The Q Continuum." I love those books and the backstory with the Tkon empire and Q and... the ending is perfect. Alltogether, more than I could have hoped for!
Comments 9
So, I liked this, and I am happy that I didn't let the summary put me off reading it. I'm always interested in how writers address shows like Voyager which did such a wonderful job of creating intriguing characters and then promptly turning around and neutering them. Kes, in particular, had tremendous potential. I'm glad to see that addressed here and for her to have a final fate that makes much ( ... )
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