Title: Destiny in Disguise (The 'Narcissistic' Is a Hard Word to Spell Remix)
Author: soubi_smalls
Summary: Kylee wonders about her path. (But not too much, because who wants to think?)
Fandom: Power Rangers: Dino Thunder
Pairing/Characters: Kylee Styles, Hayley Ziktor, Kira Ford, Conner McKnight
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Power Rangers. May the power protect you.
Original story:
Dude in Disgrace by Sarahfu /
Notes: Thanks to the usual suspects.
Kylee looked around at the little cafe and marvelled to herself about how far she'd come. And how much she'd grown as a person. She'd helped out her little friend, Kira, by singing with her, even though Kylee had undergone such horrors. Hmm, maybe she could get a book deal out of it? An appearance on Oprah?
As Kylee rarely thought anything she didn't say - what was the point of having a thought if you were going to keep it to yourself? - she said, "I'll be on Oprah! Oh, yes, that'd be fabulous!" She put a hand to her heart in excitement.
"Kylee?" Kira murmured, confused, as she worked through the last chords of the song.
"Keep singing, Kira, keep working on it. One day you might have all this as well," Kylee said kindly, indicating herself. "You could be just like me!" Kylee had picked out her very own outfit. Whatsisname, her stylist, had helped of course, but she didn't really need him. Whatsisname told her that all the time when he pretended he wanted to quit, until she promised to pay him more money. It was just a formality, really. He loved her and loved being around her. Who wouldn't?
Kira, unfortunately, didn't have a stylist. Or any of her own sense of style. It was a little disappointing, but how exciting for Kira that she had so far to go! Kylee wished for a moment that she too could be starting out again, with the journey towards the heady heights of fame - must remember that for the book, 'journey towards the heady heights of fame' - ahead of her.
Kylee jumped down from the stage and was instantly surrounded by autograph hunters. Some introduced themselves immediately but Kylee was too important to remember names. Nosehair Girl touched her cap, babbling something about how she wished she could have a cap like that. Kylee kept her cool even though it was obvious the girl hadn't washed her hands in the last sixty or seventy days, because she cared about her fans. So she moved her head carefully out of the girl's reach, and said firmly, "No, don't touch," but didn't yell at her.
Red Boy behind her mentioned her name, which always made her pay attention. Kylee took someone's pen and began signing things while she replayed what he'd said in her mind, because she could do that. She was multiskilled. What was it exactly? Oh, yes, "Kylee is hot and famous, and you're just you, Kira."
Kylee felt a real smile - not one of those smiles she put on to keep her fans happy - stretch across her face.
Red Boy got it exactly right. How SWEET. Kira was nice, and quite good at singing, but she was no Kylee Styles.
Suddenly feeling even better, Kylee made eye contact with Weird Hat Boy in front of her. "Hi! Oh, it's great to meet you!" She signed his arm as he held it out, then moved onto Glasses Girl's sheet of paper, Troll Boy's shirt, and Storekeeper's hand.
Which resulted in a surprised look from Storekeeper. "I only wanted to offer you a glass of water, Kylee," she said, sighing. Kylee didn't know why Storekeeper sighed. Maybe she was tired.
"THANK you," said Kylee, taking a sip and handing it back to Storekeeper. She decided to try to cheer up Storekeeper, who looked awfully drab in her little outfit. "I so appreciate the little people. You keep me grounded," she assured Storekeeper.
"I'm so pleased," Storekeeper said, through gritted teeth. Maybe she had a toothache.
Kylee had A Thought. It was a momentous thought. A thought so big it bubbled out through her lips - and that was another phrase to remember for her book. She beamed at Storekeeper. "I'm going to stay here for, for a month! I'll help Kira get started on her career! I know people who know people who know people who can help her, not MY people, but people who can help someone at the beginning of her career, so she can end up just like me!"
Pleased with herself, Kylee kept signing things people thrust at her, while Storekeeper took that in.
Storekeeper went pale with excitement, and Kylee actually saw her lost for words for the first time. Kylee was very satisfied to see that as it showed how wonderful her offer was. "I'm not sure Kira could really use that help," Storekeeper said after a moment.
"Oh, it'll be GREAT," Kylee said. "I can stay with you and work here, and I'll help him," she waved her free hand in the general direction of Sulky White Boy, who was clearing up a spill and chatting to Hot Teacher, "and I'll write songs every day and you'll be the first person to hear them, and it'll be so much fun! It's my DESTINY!"
Storekeeper rubbed the tiny lines on her forehead, which made Kylee think of recommending her someone good with Botox, and took Kylee by the arm. She smiled at the crowd around Kylee and carefully pulled her aside, near the counter. Kylee tripped on a bump in the wooden floor but charitably decided not to say anything. "I think the world needs you more," she whispered. "Look at all these people. They love you. I think performing for the world is your destiny."
Kylee felt a little confusion as she watched the muscles at the edges of Storekeeper's mouth jerk, but it only lasted a moment. Storekeeper was right, after all. "Okay," she whispered back. "You're right. I must follow my true destiny."
Having decided, she strode off towards Kira, who was still on the edge of the stage with Red Boy. "Kira, I'm really glad we had the chance to sing together again. This little event was so much fun." She gave Kira a hug, because Kira seemed to like hugs, and it had genuinely been fun.
Then she remembered Red Boy.
Hmm. Red Boy was cute.
"You're one of Kira's friends, right? You helped me in the parking garage. I don't remember your name, though."
He returned her smile. "Conner, with an ER."
"Well, Conner with an ER, how would you like to dance with me?"
"Normally, I'd say yes," he said. And she could tell he meant it. It was one of her gifts, being able to see to a person's heart. "But I'm having a conversation with Kira right now." He tweaked the edge of Kira's hat affectionately.
Kylee laughed, and grabbed the nearest hand. It turned out to belong to Slacker Boy, who was cute in a hairy sort of way. She whirled him into a dance. He kept looking over her shoulder at Loud Blonde. "Enjoy making her jealous, sweetie," Kylee said to him sincerely. "I have to go fulfil my destiny, but we can enjoy one wonderful dance together."