Title: Porcelain (The One That Saves You Remix)
fleshdressSummary: What James gives to Remus has to one day be given to Bill.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: James/Remus, Remus/Bill
Rating: R to NC-17
Disclaimer: It belongs to JKR, not me.
Title, Author and URL of original story:
The Cloak by
snegurochka_lee Notes: Many thanks to my three betas.
He wakes to the sight of James’s face, one finger placed across his grinning lips. )
I am nearly speechless with glee from this, and just don't know where to begin in all the things I want to say about it. First of all: OMG a drabble?! Brilliant! I was so curious to see which story of mine you would pick, but I admit I never even considered my drabbles! And you know, I think that one was the very first drabble I ever wrote, and while I don't consider myself any sort of talent at drabbling -- it's actually quite difficult for me to do -- I always liked 'The Cloak' more than any other.
So for that alone? *SQUEE* !
And then, what you did with it! Oh oh oh! You are right that it had no business being Gen, none at all, not when I love Remus/James and Remus/Bill as much as I do, and here is the part where I wink at you and wonder aloud if we don't know each other, because there is just so much about this marvellous story that plays right to my very favourite things in fic, starting with those two pairings! So, thank you for adding the pairings and the beautifully erotic scenes. *SQUEE* !! (then, of course, there's James smoking (!!!) and the Remus/Sirius hints, and the Bill shower sex, and the Bill/Fleur strength, and oh, so many little details that just made me melt...)
Next... oh, the language! You know, I'm not sure it's necessarily a compliment for me to say, 'This is exactly the way I would have written it myself,' but I do mean that as a compliment, because this just - my god. I was reading it and felt my eyes widen and widen, to the point I had to pinch myself and say, 'No, you fool, you did not actually write this!', but I so totally could have! It's exactly up my alley, style-wise, and I just love how you wove in the present-tense sequence, and moved between timelines, and had these exquisite turns of phrase... Well. I must amend this to say it's not quite what I would have written, because it's so much BETTER than anything I could have come up with. OMG.
But to turn a rather backhanded compliment forwards again: I cannot take credit for anything here. You took this whisper of an idea and made the story totally your own, and it is such a beautiful story, a very real story, with characters that walked out of my drabble and just came alive in ways I could never have done. *SQUEE* !!
There are so many beautiful lines here, I can't even begin to quote them all. You have such a lovely, easy, lyrical style, and every line says so much. The key phrase of the piece really got me, though: "Do you feel better? Well, then." Oh, god, that's perfect! James is so wonderfully James, and Remus is so lovely and needy but also strong, and the way he turns around and shifts James's attentions onto Bill is so fantastic.
And this, oh man, THIS: nothing is fixed that needs holding together. That just about broke me with its perfection.
THANK YOU!!! I struggled rather a lot with my own Remix, but after reading this, it makes the whole thing worth while. I'm so very glad I signed up, if only to see this fabulous piece! I very much look forward to finding out who you are, and if we don't already know each other, to meeting you. :)
I was very daunted at trying to remix anything you'd written because my God you're stuff is pretty much perfect just the way it is and changing anything just seemed wrong and unnecessary - which is why this drabble called to me. You'd told a story in just 100 words and it was all already there for me.
So thank you so so so much for your absolutely unbelievably wonderful response to this. You are all kinds of awesome. *loves*
Well, I don't know if my other stuff is 'perfect', but long and drawn-out is another way to put it, and after myself choosing a drabble to remix, I totally applaud the choice. It's so much easier and rewarding to expand a drabble than rewrite a longer piece, IMO (look at me, such a pro with her opinions after one remix, oi). ;)
So, yes! I am still applauding your choice wildly, because this story is just so, so cool. Yay. :)
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