(no subject)

May 12, 2006 10:49

Okay, I think I understand my problems. Now, correction!

I really hope Namit will let me take next weekend off. I really want to go to Tellico. I love this whole my parents are letting me go where ever I want whenever I want as long as I keep them paid up and don't ask them for money. :) It's really nice.

I made all A's and B's in my college classes! :) yay!

Do you ever crave music? Like you want to listen to a certian artist like you want to eat a piece of chocolate or something?

So, in my serch for things that I can do to make me happy, i found a few. Driving, laying on my floor listening to music, painting, writing, cleaning, swimming, taking a bath, watching movies, seeing my friends, working, and shopping. I like doing those things.

Namit's parents are in town! I get to take his dad to the KMart gas station to play the lottery. Namit hates the lottery, but his dad thinks its fun to scratch the tickets. hehe. I love his dad. I really like working there. It was really funny. The other day he asked me if i was hungry and then went to go get donuts, but i hadnt told him what kind I like. He came back with my favorite kind. It kinda hit me, wow. Namit is kinda like part of my family. He even knows what kind of donuts I like. hehe.
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