V1 and V1.5 Hair Retextures Master Post - 2011

Dec 31, 2011 23:59

All Hair Textures and Retextured hairs from 2011. I am in the process of swapping out Box links for SFS.




Hair texture blends - Pooklet's colours/texture V3 blended with a texture by NuiTR

A blend of Pooklet's V3 hair textures and NuiTR's textures (heavily edited by me). They come in 9 of Pooklets naturals (FlashPowder, DepthCharge, SafetyFuse, Incendiary, Volatile, Explosion, Molotov, Pyrotechnic and MailBomb) and all of their unnaturals.

With a little more tweeking, I've fixed up a set in more Maxis Match colours. They are a blend of Pooklet's naturals, blonde with a slight contrast change.

All textures are 512x512 and are in PNG format.

Download textures:
Pook'd | Maxis Match

Credit goes to Pooklet for the colours/textures, quinctia for the PSP scripts and NuiTR for the original texture.


Agustin's 'Kate Hudson' Hair

Teen - Elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Agustin included.



Coolsims F42

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Meshes by Coolsims included.



CottonHouse F007

( Hairtie texture)

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by CottonHouse included.



Helga 87F

Teen - Elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Helga included.



Newsea - Anglebeats

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by NewSea included.


Teen - adult. Binned, familied and compressorized. Mesh by NewSea included.



NewSea - Battler

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by NewSea included.



NewSea - Iris

( Hairtie texture)

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by NewSea Included.



NewSea - Sister

YA, adult and elder only. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorised. Mesh by NewSea included.



Nouk - Girl Next Door

Teen - Elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Nouk included.



Peggy 4233

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.


( All colours)

Teen, YA and adult only. Binned as custom and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



Raon 67F

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorised. Mesh by Raonjena included.



Peggy 410 Maxis Match

Child to adult. Binned, familied and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.




All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by 8kSims included.



CoolSims F39

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Meshes by CoolSims included.

The actual scalp is missing. This was present in the original hair I retextured from, so I'm not sure if it's the mesh, or just something missing.. It's not blatantly noticeable, so I thought I would upload it anyway.



CoolSims M36

Adult and elder only. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by CoolSims included.



CoolSims M47

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by CoolSims included.



NewSea - Love Affair

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by NewSea included.



NewSea - Moon River

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by NewSea included.



Nouk - Long Curls

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Nouk included.



Nouk - Ponytail Out Of Fashion

Hairtie texture

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Nouk included.


Teen, YA and adult. Binned, familied and compressorized. Mesh by Nouk included.



Nouk - Tommie

Teen to Elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Reduced mesh by Nouk included.



Peggy Fh091225

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



XMSims Flora 087F

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder gray linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Flora @XMSims included.



XMSims Flora 088M - Alpha edit by me

Teen to Elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Flora @XMSims Included.



XMSims Flora 099F

Teen to Elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Flora @XMsims included.



XMSims Flora 100M

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Flora @XMsims included.



Z99 - Flying Squirrels

Child to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Zanki99 included.



NiuTR - Hair09M

Teen & adult only. Binned, familied and compressorized. Mesh by NiuTR included.



Nouk - Donna - Graverobber's Alpha edit

Teen - Elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Nouk included.



Peggy Fh110122

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



XMSims Flora 026F

Coloured Headbands


All ages. Binned, familied, separate elder grey. Compressorized. Mesh by Flora @XMSims included.


Grey Headbands


All ages. Binned, familied, separate elder grey. Compressorized. Mesh by Flora @XMSims included.



Peggy Fh090410

All ages. Binned, familied and all colours in one package. Compressorized and mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Fh080920


All ages. Binned, familied and all colours in one package. Compressorized and mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Fh081014

Toddler to adult. Binned, familied and all colours in one package. Compressorized and mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Fh081015

All ages. Binned, familied and all colours in one package. Compressorized and mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Fh090607

All ages. Binned, familied and all colours in one package. Compressorized and mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Fh110129

All ages. Binned, familied and all colours in one package. Compressorized and mesh by Peggy included.



XMSims Flora F094 (No Fear's alpha and hat texture)

Maxis Match

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, all colours in one file and compressorized. Mesh by XMSims Flora included.


Streaked (Unnaturals)

Teen to elder. Binned as base colour, familied, all colours in one file and compressorized. Colours: Black+Flamable, Brown+Napalm, Blonde+Toxicity, Red+Noxious and Grey+Timebomb. Mesh by XMSims Flora included.


Streaked (Maxis Match)

Teen to adult. Binned, familied and compressorized. Mesh by XMSims Flora included.



All Colours

Teen to elder. Custom binned. All Unnatural colours, only Timebomb enabled for elder. Compressorized. Mesh by XMSims Flora included.



Maxis Match recolours of Nouk's long braids

I - Short

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Nouk included.


II - Long

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Nouk included.


III - Over-Shoulder

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Nouk included.



Coolsims M89 + Female conversion by Trapping

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Coolsims included.


All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh conversion by Trapping included.



Lunar_Eclipse's StarDust Nymph

All ages, both genders. Binned, familied, all colours in one package and compressorized. Mesh by Lunar_Eclipse@MTS included.

Warning: High PolyCount (11070)



NewSea - Lamb

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by NewSea included.



Peggy F0517


All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.


Retexture (Mikexx2's Alpha edit)

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Mh101203

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



XMSims FloraF081

Bow texture

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorised, Mesh by Flora@XMSims included. Bow alpha edit by me.


All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorised, Mesh by Flora@XMSims included.



NiuTR 09F

Teen & adult only. Binned, familied and compressorized. Mesh by NiuTR included.



Peggy Fh110328

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Fh110416

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



Trapping Cap Conversion

Child to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Trapping included.



Trapping Mohawk Conversion

All ages, both genders. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Trapping included.



Trapping Short Bob Conversion

All ages, both genders. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Trapping included.



XMSims - FloraF090

Mix of my textures and original textures recoloured.

Teen to Elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Flora@XMSims included.


Teen to Elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Flora@XMSims included.



XMSims - FloraF091

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Alpha edit by me.


Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Alpha edit by me.



Adele's Antoinette Hair Maxis Matched

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Adele included.



Marja TS3 Conversion - Braidy Bunch

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh conversion by Marja included.



Basegame Ponytail sans Fringe

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Base game compatible.



Tied Back AL AF hair edits

Adult, YA & elder only. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Apartment Life needed.



Tied Back TSS Teen hair edits

Teen only. Binned, familied and compressorized. Teen Style Stuff needed.





All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Coolsims included.



Nouk - Limp Mohawk

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, elder green linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Nouk included.



Peggy Fh101229

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Fh100731

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



Maxis OFB Bun - No Fringe

Adult, YA and elder. Binned, familed, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. OFB needed.



XMSims Flora F095 Retexture

Maxis Match

Teen to elder. Binned, familied, all colours in one file and compressorized. Mesh by XMSims Flora included.


Streaked (Unnaturals)

Teen to elder. Binned as base colour, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Colours: Black+Flamable, Brown+Napalm, Blonde+Toxicity, Red+Noxious and Grey+Timebomb. Mesh by XMSims Flora included.


Streaked (Maxis Match)

Teen to adult. Binned as base colour, familied and compressorized. Mesh by XMSims Flora included.



Teen to elder. Custom binned. Colours: Flamable, Napalm, Toxicity, Noxious and Timebomb. Only Timebomb enabled for elder. Compressorized and mesh by XMSims Flora included.



Marja's TS3 Hawk Conversion

Teen - elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Marja included.


Teen - adult. Binned, familied and compressorized. Mesh by Marja included.



Trapping's Male Conversion of Marja's TS3 Hawk Conversion

Teen - elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Trapping included.


Teen - adult. Binned, familied and compressorized. Mesh by Trapping included.



Cazy F14

YA, adult & elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Cazy included.


Alpha edit by me

YA, adult & elder. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Cazy included.




All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Coolsims included.



NewSea - Jelly

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by NewSea included.



Peggy Fh1000501

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Mh101225

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Mh110108 - Reni@GoS Alpha Edit

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.





New texture blend and Maxis match hair retextures

Recently I learned how to make hair textures from scratch in Photoshop, so I made a Maxis match texture, and blended it with my Pooklet/NuiTR texture blends to make them even more Maxis match (IMO). I've also fixed up the colours I use. I looked at my old pre-coloured MM textures, and realised that my black, red and grey blends are pretty much Pooklet's Flash Powder, Molotov and Mail Bomb, so I'll be using those actions. However, the blonde and brown were more significantly changed, and using Pooklet's actions didn't look right (The brown was too warm/light and blonde just not blonde enough) so what I did was make add-on actions for Depth Charge and Incendiary to make the cool, dark brown and gold-blonde I've been using.

Download new texture (Volatile) + add-on actions for Photoshop

Download pre-coloured Maxis Match textures


Peggy Fh080501

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Bow in Aubergine by CuriousB. Mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Mh081226

All ages. Binned, familied, elder grey linked to black and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



Peggy Mh081226 Streaked

Teen, YA & Adult. Binned, familied and compressorized. Mesh by Peggy included.



resource, hair, hair texture, sims 2, download, maxis match

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