Edits of Leh's eyeset as defaults on Leh's Supernatural skins - Maxis Sclera
May 09, 2012 17:14
My edits of Leh's eyes on the Maxis sclera, for those who prefer it. Werewolf sclera is darkened, as is the original Maxis one. Plantsims have green-shaded scleras.
You can find Leh's original skins and eyes here. If you want her skins but my Eyes/Supernaturals, just replace her default files with mine.
Models are wearing Rensim shaders and Lunar_Eclipse mouth corners. Credit goes to Leh.
NOTE: If you would like these eyes on any other Supernatural default skins, just send me a link/copy of the skin and I can fix it up. This goes for either set. Or if you would like to do it yourself, let me know and I can send you the textures. If you would like to make recolours of these eyes, same thing, I can send you the PSDs. I'm in the process of making recolours, but it might take me a little while. :P