New project

Nov 26, 2010 14:13

Talk about old age. Or maybe it's the lack of excercise. My knee is still clicking. Still, no excuse for appearing on the fuller side of 33. I haven't noticed that my room has become somewhat of a mess. Like a sentimental, a lot of stuff were hidden in the drawers and cabinets. I found small little things that reminded me of the past 33 years that has gone. My pictures with ex-colleagues. X'mas cards that I received. Letters from an army pal when he went for studies then. My interns who'd give me little cutesy stuff for taking good care of them. Photos taken by him. On top of these, my ever expanding wardrobe (mummy says if she don't do my laundry for a month, I'd still have enough for work), my magazines... the habit of flipping became quite serious, men's fashion mags, style men, detail, GQ, Men's health, Men's Uno, August the occasional Harper's bazaar and sometimes, Style for women. Of course there is the Female magazine Oct 2008 which is still wrapped up nicely. AND the ever growing pile of 8 days. Lately, Digital Camera and HWM creeped into the shelves. Where do I keep these? Good question. I don't. They lie everywhere. Taking up 1/2 of the space of my queen size bed (I like to read a bit before I sleep). What else? MY CDs. I've quite a healthy collection. Having loved pop music since 9 years old. The casettes are gone now. It's somewhere in the storeroom. I have hundreds of CDs I think.  What else? BAGS. I seem to have blew a fortune on bags. My Fred Perry, Y-3, LV, and my recent collection of Jackspades. My crumplers, my haversacks, my swimming bag, my dive bag. Heck I don't run out of bags to carry. And if you think this is all, I haven't got round to my shoes. Well, I think I can safely say I own more footwear than Dad Mum and Sis combined. "nuff said. Spring clean? Storage?

Time to go to Ikea.
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