Yes, yet another layout, I actually really, really like this one, so this one is staying for awhile. It actually resembles
how I'm feeling deeply, which is GREAT! Anyway, nothing much for today, was suppose to go to the gym
with my uncle and do some kick/thai boxing w/ him, but he said he's not ready, haha, it's okay. Anyway tomorrow, reaching mina's to do her hair for a debut then off to do my own thing, and SATURDAY, is BEACH DAY w/ the nieces/cousins/aunts and parents. Haha, it's okay. This week was pretty much all about catching up w/ the family. Anyways, LJERS I'll just leave you w/ one of my lyrical thoughts for today....
ONE LAST THING: this is for the usuals; are you guys up for a chill day. BBQ/WATER FIGHT, to be exact?
Anyway i'm slowly planning one for when Wendell comes home, so give me a holler on your ideas and ish.
Dawson's Creek, you're being sooo good to me.. I love you
(8) I wanna know why this feels so right
I wanna know why u hold me tight
Each and every night, it keeps me up all night
Thinkin' about the things i like
Can't believe your in my life
I wanna know why ur the one
The things that they should have you've already done
God sent u straight to me
You make me wanna sing lalalalala...-Blaque