FIC: "Building Things," Doctor Who, Amy/Rory, PG

Sep 23, 2011 23:22

TITLE: "Building Things"
AUTHOR: Cathryn (catslash)
WORD COUNT: Approx. 2100
SUMMARY: She said flat-out three days into their engagement that she wasn't changing her name.
CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Rory Williams, Amy Pond, Mels; Amy/Rory
RATING: PG for a bit of language
THANKS: To my flist for their input and a bit of Britpicking.
DISCLAIMER: Doctor Who ( Read more... )

doctor who, fic

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lienne September 24 2011, 14:01:45 UTC
D'you know how hard it is to be yourself when you know exactly who you are and everyone around you is waiting for you to get over it?

...yes. if_inconvenient.

in other news, I love you. :D


izhilzha September 24 2011, 16:43:25 UTC
I loved this line because it's not just about Amy, here. It's about Rory, too, and how he's had to be a little less than himself to keep Amy--not that he doesn't think it's worth it, but that it's been legitimately difficult (something that fandom seems not to get, in general).

<3 Rory.


remindmeofthe September 24 2011, 18:08:03 UTC
Yeah, I find it really interesting how they've had similar experiences in that regard, yet it plays out so differently for each of them in part because of gender roles and expectations.

Thanks for the comment!


remindmeofthe September 24 2011, 17:48:26 UTC
*snerk* Well-played. ♥


if_inconvenient September 24 2011, 17:49:22 UTC


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