(no subject)

Sep 20, 2011 13:52

So I love Warehouse 13 now! Recently enough that I don't have any icons, so I am going to have to fix that. I don't have time to write a love sonnet, but I do have just enough time to share my thoughts on one of the story arcs this season.

I don't participate in fandom, so I don't know how prevalent a theory this is or if I'm saying anything new at all, but: No way Mrs F fired Steve. No way. They so elegantly avoided showing the actual firing, or anything beyond Mrs F saying ominous things about consequences. Now, I have to think that Mrs Fredrick is going to respect someone who will stick so firmly to his principles that he's willing to pull a gun on her rather than ignore them. I'm not sure that whole thing was a test per se, since she did actually torture Sally and get information out of it, but I do think she saw immediately how much of an asset Steve could really be.

His firing is a set-up. As of the end of last night's ep, Steve is poised to become a mole for the Warehouse. But it had to be an extremely convincing set-up to get the bad guys to fall for it, hence systematically destroying his electronic identity, and - unfortunately - his nastiness to Claudia. They can't risk even the faintest hint of lingering sympathies toward the Warehouse or any of its agents, and poor Claudia is collateral damage.

It all seems pretty obvious to me, which means I am either completely wrong and he really has gone bad (which would be both OOC on Mrs F's part and a really unfortunate use of the Evil Queer trope, which they already pulled with Helena and I would like to see them avoid in future, since this show is overall pretty decent about representation), or the W13 writers need to work a little harder on not showing their hand. I am terrible at guessing even obvious plot twists. If I can see your plot coming a mile away, you are doing it wrong. Or possibly you're counting on the strength of your show and its cast as a whole to make up for it, which also works here, because W13 is a fantastic show and there is no way I am holding the obviousness of this plot against it.

Next up (unless I end up not doing it), I will take a look at the season so far and how it's been all about resolution of the past, and try from there to predict the finale. Just for fun.

warehouse 13

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