(no subject)

Apr 21, 2008 18:07

Wow, thanks for all the comments to my last post! I was surprised to find so many, but I suppose I shouldn't have been, what with you guys all being awesome and everything.

Anyway, it is as I suspected - I am to lay off the caffeine. I was hooked up to a heart monitor and on oxygen (standard procedure) and had an EKG and everything. It would all have been much more interesting if I hadn't been a combination of worried, tired (I didn't eat before I left, oops), and feeling silly. I'm the suck-it-up-and-deal type when it comes to not feeling well, which is partly why it took all weekend for me to decide to go in. Any other organ and I'd've taken my damn chances, but I know better than to mess around when it comes to my heart. Apparently they see their share of students who have been overdoing the caffeine, though, so I wasn't out of the ordinary or anything.

Thanks again for the good thoughts. I appreciate it a lot.

real life

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