(no subject)

Apr 21, 2008 00:03

By the way! New episodes of Gossip Girl start again tomorrow. They did a great job with the last ep back in January (god, that long ago?) of hedging their bets and making an episode that could work as either a season finale or a hiatus cliffhanger of sorts, so I bet tomorrow's episode will be a good place to start if you haven't tried the show yet. If you haven't - look. You know me. I don't pretend something doesn't suck when it does and I know it does. And I know how off-putting GG's premise is. "Ooh, a show about rich kids in Manhattan. How classy and original."

So I believe that you know to trust me when I say that Gossip Girl is genuinely good television. The characters are well-written, with layers and flaws and strengths, portrayed by compelling and talented actors, and the plots may not spark with originality but they aren't just tossed onto the screen. They're thoroughly explored and mined for all they have to offer. Plus, the longer arcs proceed at a reasonable pace, which is nice. Oh, and if you read the books, or even just one of the books, you will notice that what I am describing is their polar opposite. The show is nothing like the books. I swear.

Yes, it absolutely has elements of soapiness, and things that will make you blink. But it's not the show you think it is. It's not useless trash designed to pander to mindless adolescents. It's well-written and layered and fun. So come on. Join me. Tomorrow night, eight o'clock EST. You know you love me.

gossip girl

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