(no subject)

Dec 22, 2007 19:58

Reasons to see PS I Love You:

* Blithe subversion of an expected cliché at the end. It was great. I laughed.

* Excellent use of - of all the bands you'd expect in a romantic comedy! - Flogging Molly.

* Jeffrey Dean Morgan. With an Irish accent. Getting naked for the camera. I am reconsidering the "probably wouldn't sleep with him" thing. I mean, as if his voice wasn't sexy enough. I about spontaneously combusted.

Reasons not to see PS I Love You:

* If you don't like crying in a theatre. Because you will. Yes, even you.

* It is slowly paced and a good twenty minutes too long.

* Not enough of Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Though at least he doesn't die.

. . . yeah, I've got it bad.

Anyway. I liked the movie well enough and didn't feel like the vast, vast amounts of screentime not containing Jeffrey Dean Morgan were a waste of time. Coming from me, a staunch disliker of the romance genre, that is high praise indeed. There was good stuff in it, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ending, but I have a feeling that in a week I'm not going to remember much of it except the accent and the ass shot. And the guitar. Mrf.

movies, jeffrey dean morgan

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