(no subject)

Sep 13, 2007 14:04


"I just think I'm not in the mood to make a decision right now," Piazza said. "You have to detach yourself, take a step back. It's impossible to make a decision when you're in the washing machine - you've got to get out and dry off. You never make a good decision when you're emotionally charged."

Translated from Diplomatese: "OMG I HATE IT HERE I HAVE TO ESCAPE HELP ME PLEEEEEEZE." You know he's going to be looking back for his inevitable memoirs all, "Yeah, and then there was the year in Oakland. Next!"

In other news, I have had my computer back for a while and am still waiting on the new keyboard, and I don't feel like making a bunch of posts in Kendraspeak (do you guys have ANY IDEA how often G and H show up in English? I hope you never have to find out), so my usual too-long-between posts has a reason this time. On the plus side, going without a computer for a weekend, and counting myself lucky that the worst it did schoolwise was make me late for class because I had to type something, inspired me to finally see about getting my beloved iBook fixed. Man, did I fuck that up hardcore when it first broke! I did everything stupid you can do when your computer craps the bed and you don't know the first thing about getting it fixed. I shall not dwell, but it would appear that I cost myself a good chunk of cash that would been better thrown at, oh, I don't know, overdue bills that ended up in collections. ANYWAY. I am wiser and more learned now, so this time I found an Apple-certified repairperson in town and took it there. I'm gonna be out three-forty for a new logicboard, plus she recommended a hefty memory upgrade, BUT WHATEVER I WILL HAVE MY MAC BACK. And when I EVENTUALLY get the new keyboard (free, hooray for having the brains to buy a plan with Circuit City when I got the Compaq - the learning process started fairly quickly), I will have a backup computer. That way, when the Mac inevitably breaks down in the middle of a major project, I will only be partially screwed when I realize that I neglected to save it to a CD! I will also be using the Compaq for my MP3 player, because I do not have and do not want an iPod, and for all its awesomeness, Apple sucks like that when it comes to those of us who dare own a Macintosh computer and a non-Apple MP3 player.

So that is my computer situation. I am happy with my school situation, as all my classes this semester appear to be good, and I could probably spend a paragraph on each of them, but I will spare the three of you still reading. I will point out only that we are reading Hamlet right now in Intro to Theatre. I have adored that play since I decided to give it another try during my Kenneth Branagh phase - I found I couldn't watch his movie cold, so decided to reread the play, which hadn't done a lot for me in sophomore English, only to discover that it was awesome and I couldn't put it down - and I am thrilled to finally be studying it again now that I appreciate it.

I also have a sleep situation. As in, not getting any. (SLEEP. Not getting any SLEEP.) This is my fault, since I stay up too late at night when I have to get up for classes, and not for schoolwork either. But whatever, I'll live. I'd be confused if I found myself on campus fully rested, anyway.

I have a baseball situation, too. It is TENSION.

Dear baseball gods,

Can't one of my (contending) teams run away with the division/wild card just ONCE? Why do you do this to me EVERY YEAR? HATE.

Ulcerously yours,

I think that about covers it. Dunno when I'll be posting again. Hopefully that keyboard comes in soon. Then it's just a matter of navigating out to Circuit City, which, between the bus schedule, classes, and work, is a treat and a half. There are, like, two four-hour chunks of time a week when I can actually go. Oh, well. Soon it will all be over. Then the Compaq will be - well, mostly dusty, because at this rate I'll get my iBook back first.

real life, the ongoing a's catching saga, baseball

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