Nov 15, 2004 19:51
*Birth name*:: Christopher Suleski
::*First breath of air*:: Feb. 16, 1987 (ryan milligan too!)
::*Astrological Sign*:: I don’t know
::*State currently living in*:: PA
::*State born in*:: New York
::*Hair color*:: Darker Brown
::*Eye color*:: Blue
::*Length of hair*:: I would call it medium long
::*Is it your natural hair color?*:: yes for now
::*Do you have freckles?*:: nope
::*Do you wear glasses or contacts?*:: I should but I dont
::*Any birthmarks?*:: I think so
::*Did you know that birthmarks are where angels kissed you when you were born?*:: who the hell knows this
::*Piercings?*:: guaged ears bitches
::*Tatoos?*:: not yet but in three months tomarow I will have six or so
::*Any siblings?*:: yes
::*How old are they?*:: Bethy-16
::*Do you get along with them?*:: mostly
::*Are your parents divorced or together?*::they is together
::*How often do you fight with your parents?*:: about once or twice a day
::*Any family pets?*:: Gen, Nique, and Pirre(aka flava flave)
::*Whats one thing that people should know about you?*:: I used to be short and fat now I am tall and fat,
…*Clothing brand*… well since I don’t really wear brands I will use my undies which if FTL
…*Movie*…Napolion Dynomite
…*Actress*…Tarra Read (spelling on that)
…*Actor*… Chris Farley
…*Food*… I would have to say celery
…*Saying*… Keep it real
…*Cuss word*… oh dang that would definatly be shit
…*TV Show*… This is definatly going to be gay but The O.C. just cause last summer I related to it so much
…*Singer*… George Pettit (alexisonfire)
…*Rapper*… well since I am ghetto Snoop Dogg or D Loc (KMK)
…*Band*…Remembering Never since I wore their shirt from sthress fest today
…*Place to clear your head*… my car with my music pumping, or snowboarding when there is snow
…*Ice cream flavor*… chocolate
…*Mall*.. Cranberry mall when I used to chill with dp and d laps
…*Type of makeup*… lip gloss when it tastes so good
…*Car*… dented from a shoe and muddy ‘92 corolla
…*Song*… right meow it is Hawthorne Heights-Screenwriting an apology
…*Number*… 6 because it is the demond ball
…*Place to vacation*… rockies
…*persons to be around*… Ashly, Randy, Eric, Seth, Chris, Megan, Courtney.
…*Boy name*… Arson
…*Girl name*…Brittany
…*Video game*… Either MOH for Psone, or day of defeat
…*Disney movie*… Emporer’s New Groove
…*Disney character*… Donald Duck
…*Channel*…What the hell kind of question is this
…*Radio station*…Don’t listen to the radio, but if I did it would be an oldies station for shure
…*South Park character*… Chef
((.:*Love n Relationships*:..))
…*What is your current status?*… Single... cause I don’t think there is anybody out there for me
…*Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?*… no
…*How long have yall been together?*… well it has definatly been three no four months next yesterday
…*What is the most romantic thing your lover has done for you?* I don’t know since I don’t have one
…*What is the worst pick up line you have ever heard?*… are you wearing a space suit cause your ass is out of this world, only cause I heard my sister say it to falkenberg
…*In your own words, how would you describe love?*… it is something that should mean to world to you if you truly love that person. It is also just being there when ever they need you, and will never laugh at you for crying or being too caring or anything.
…*What is the thing you need most in a relationship?*… somebody that I can trust and will be there
…*What is the most attractive thing about the opposite sex?*… Eyes
…*True or False: All is fair in love and war?*… yeah it is this is true
…*In your opinion, what is the most romantic movie?*… I don’t know I really never watched one but I will just say sea biscut cause it seems to be romantic
…*Are you shallow when it comes to physical appearance in a relationship?*…hell no, I went from a slutty ass town, to a town with very few slutty looking girls and I must say I have better luck with the non-sluts
…*How do you know if youre really in love with someone?*... it is something that I know when I am with them they just make me unbelivably happy and I just never want to be without them
…*Does love really last forver?*… I should hope so
::*What is the best thing about friendships?*:: playing skank ball and cig breaks
::*Describe your friends*:: if you guys werent there I would be lost
::*What is the best part about them?*:: we always are there for eachother
::*Which of your friends has know you the longest?*:: Mikey Grupp 11 years! Hot damn, and dan laps. That would be since 6 years that is not that long, but we have done some really memorable shit (ceder point and the huge dissapointment)
::*What about the shortest?*:: Sethy about since school started is when we started hanging out more
::*Were you one of those kids who used to exchange friendship bracelets?*:: nope not realy
::*What do you and your friends like to do?*:: we go to shows and smoke then just chill about every day
::*What is the funniest moment you can remember with your friends?*:: (erie) playing the kick ass game when we played in the mall then went to taco bell and blew oats everywhere (cberry mike) when we were throwing pumpkins in the road and the cops came after us it was good (cberry dan) when me him and dp went to dynasty and made fun of my chinese neighbors and dared the waitor to eat the octopus
::*What do you think can break up a friendship?*:: acting like a fucking retard, drugs
::*Would you ever ditch your friends over a guy/girl?*:: depends if I have plans with a girl first yeah, but other than that never
::*What is the worst thing you can think of that could break up a friendship?*::drugs (heroine, Coke)
::*Have you ever lost one of your best friends over an argument?*:: yeah ashly during summer and I regret it every day I am so happy that we are friends again
::*What is the hot spot where you and your friends hangout?*:: Seth’s or Bank Shot
::*Out of all of your friends, who is the loudest?*:: Eric
::*Funniest?*:: Chris
::*Most athletic?*:: Ashly cause she can run with out passing out
::*Most “girly girl”?*:: Seth
::*Most flirtatious*:: Randy
::*Most competitive*:: Eric and I
::*Out of all of your friends, who is the one that can make you laugh no matter what?*:: they all can just cause we are so fucking retarded
::*Do you trust the friends you have?*:: With my life
::*True or False: You would take a bullet for a friend*:: in a second
::*Do you want to be married?*:: yes
::*To whom?*:: I’m not sure
::*Do you want kids?*:: eh they can wait but yeah
::*How many?*:: 2
::*Where do you want to live?*:: mountains
::*What do you want to work as?*:: Record Producer
::*What kind of car do you want?*:: a gti rally edition