Cancer / Car Accident

Jan 07, 2010 11:05

A few years ago he had some heart trouble so he reformed his lifestyle and has been exercising an hour daily and eating healthier than just about everyone I know. The irony of it all is that it took his treadmill breaking for him to realize he was sick. Since he was working out his muscles had good volume and tone, but when his treadmill broke and his leg muscles began to shrink, the mass in his upper leg became apparent.

He's had some test over the last few weeks. Yesterday he was told the swollenness to one of his upper legs is actually soft tissue sarcoma (cancer). The malignant mass is 9" X 8". Even for a man my dad's size (6'6") that is stinkin' big. He's working with a doctor who is supposed to be the best there is. They are coming to visit me this weekend along with an aunt and uncle. They'll head right back down since surgery is scheduled for Monday. They'll be doing a 14" incision, so it will take some time to heal. After 6-8 weeks of recovery he will be having radiation 5 times a week for 6 weeks. He's very positive about things and feels reassured by the Holy Spirit, though I lost sleep last night as I mentally eulogized my dad.

In the evening as I was headed to a Church history class, a man and his family in minivan didn't see me and turned in front of me. Because of their close proximity and the heavy snow I was unable to stop and slid right into them. Some front end damage was done to my car (and a bit to his bumper) but fortunately nobody was hurt, it's still driveable, and my insurance will cover the repair work.

Not my best day ever, but things could be a lot worse. I'm just hoping and praying my dad comes through ok so that he can celebrate his 60th birthday in May.

By the time November rolls around, I'll be well ready for vacation with girlfriends.
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