From the HILARITY FILES: My parents, internet n00bs

Aug 18, 2009 10:40

I thought this day would never come. My parents bought a computer and are now online. Wow. It was just a few short years ago when I was trying to teach them how to turn a monitor on, and trying to explain how to right click. Epic fails. They gave up at that time, but they must have re-committed to joining the rest of western civilization because they bought a new computer and sent their very first email yesterday afternoon.

This is our very first message. Amazing isn't it. Anyone who wants to talk to us can now do it. Dad still likes the phone. But he's getting use to it. Is there any websites you think we would like? Just let us know. Now I wonder how to turn this thing off.
Mom and Dad

Props to mom for her first email, ever. Minus points for not using proper punctuation and verbage. I hope she learned how to turn off the monitor. If not, the default screen saver was probably a surprise to them.

This morning, a message from dad.

morning jenny this is dad just trying to figure this thing out i hope i don't screw it up. love dad

Like a true noob, dad needs to learn capitalization and punctuation. Bear in mind, my dad has no idea how teh internets works. Whenever dad wants me to look something up for him he doesn't ask for me to actually search for what he needs. He thinks that you just add .com to whatever you're looking for. Conversations went like this:

Jenny, could you got to

Dad, that's not how the internet works. You have to search for whatever you need.

Oh... Can you go to and tell me what it says?

*facepalm* My parents are an endless source of amusement, and they're the best.

These are my parents waving bye to me when I moved to the U.P. 3 years ago. I love this.

About 2 years ago. I remember this visit because my dad hugged my mom so tightly on top of the mountain. Later, I found out that dad was having serious heart trouble. He's since lost a lot of weight and they're both doing well.

Mom, church organist and rock legend. She also plays the harmonica, accordion, and piano.

Approaching 40 years of marriage and born to be grandparents.

I have so many awesome pictures of them, these were just the first I found.

mom and dad get the internet

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