further book keeping

Sep 26, 2009 00:40

on hand

Ty ♂ → level 60; jolly nature; 0/5
tackle, helping hand, fake out, foresight, focus energy, feint, hi-jump kick, mind reader, foresight, blaze kick, endure, mega kick, close combat

Ty is a very... cheerful Hitmonlee. He's a lot like Remi, in many ways--mainly because he can be both active and serious when the situation calls for it. There's a lot about Ty that can be rather stubborn, but ultimately it's because he wants to prove himself and be the. Best. Ever. He's kind of like those shounen heroes. The types who are derpy but when the situation calls for it, they are badass.

Professor ♂ → level 62; adamant nature; 0/5
tackle, sand-attack, gust, quick attack, whirlwind, twister, feather dance, agility, wing attack, roost, tailwind, mirror move, air slash

PROFESSOR IS STILL A COCKY BASTARD. Not a bad Pidgeot, by any means; just. overly confident. He didn't have this problem as a pidgey, honest. Though Professor does like to proclaim his... size and awesome wing-span, he is a good pokémon whom will protect his trainer and all the little ones in the party. And the big ones.

Because He Is The Boss. Also, he has a bit of a rivalry going on with profpuzzle, since they share names and. He is always around.

Poli ♀ → level 48; quirky nature; 0/5
water sport, bubble, hypnosis, water gun, double slap, rain dance, bodyslam, bubblebeam, mud shot, belly drum, wake-up slap, hydro pump

The quiet, kind of odd one. She doesn't do or say much--but when she does, it's to odd things. Like. Maybe to herself or something. Poli likes drawing things in the sand, honestly, and while she's not overly affectionate or expressive, she shows her ~love~ in different ways. Like... hiding berries under your pillow, or something.

Crow ♂ → level 35; PLACEHOLDER
peck, astonish, pursuit, haze, wing attack, night shade, assurance, taunt

Ver ♀ → level 26; PLACEHOLDER
powder snow, leer, razor leaf, icy wind, grasswhistle, swagger, mist, ice shard

Jackie ♀ → level 57
scratch, leer, ember, taunt, mach punch, fury swipes, flame wheel, feint, torment, close combat, fire spin, calm mind, flare blitz


Lapras → (on hold for Big!Luke)

The Assistant's Pack
-- Remi's clothing
-- 1 change of clothes.
-- 3 changes of undergarments
-- 1 12oz bottle of liquid soap (this can double as laundry detergent)
-- 1 8oz bottle of shampoo; 1 8oz bottle of conditioner
-- 1 washcloth, 2 towels (one small, one larger), 1 toothbrush, 1 travel-sized pack of toothpaste
-- clothes line, 6 clothes pins, and rubber gloves
-- bento lunch from mom + trail mix
-- Trainer Handbook (Includes the Rules, Trainer Tips, a paper copy of the map, as well as a list of "good" berries and food tips for your pokemon)
-- 1 sleeping bag

-- 1 PokéGear
-- 10 Potions
-- 1 Repel, 1 MaxRepel
-- 1 Escape Rope
-- 13 PokéBalls
-- P65500


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