okay... i will try

Aug 09, 2007 22:26

So, in accordance with my promise to Age, i will be posting bi-monthly in my journal. i know a big difference from  about once a year, but i can only say that if i continue with it.

So i just go back from Nifty's after babysitting this afternoon and tennis this morning, yet i am surprisingly not too tried. Which means i will be crashing in about ten minutes! but before then i really need to get some reading done. i really am beyond screwed. i have two paragraphs of my first of five essays done for English, not even a forth of my second out of three books, and two chapters of my government text to read. plus i still have to edit my government essay ! AND i have to enjoy myself down the shore with eleven other members of my family. ACK! oh well, at least i have until the first FULL day of school, not that it makes much difference.

So, for tomorrow i am suppose to being to doing something with Age and Yewande, and i think Kelly wanted to partake in such none planned events also. I wanted to ge see Stardust, whoch is playing at seven but i am not sure what everyone else wanted to do, though Yewande did say that would be cool with her. God, i have not seen that girl since about a week abfter school let out. TEAR! oh, well, 'tis been a crazy eventful summer that can no way onyl have three weeks left!

i went to the doctor's yesterday to get a physical for tennis, and i discovered that my life has been a lie! i have been telling everyone that i am five five and a half, when in actuality, i am five five and a quarter. my life is over! oh well, i will just continue to tell everyone that i am five five and a half anyway. it's easier that way anyway. but tennis is starting on Monday which mean bright and early everyday at the courts from nine to noon! GAH! i shall be so sweaty all morning! byt at least i get to chill with Sergi, who is so awsome, unlike half the other girls on the team, who really are complete PRATS, like horribly so. but whatever. I will have far to much scholarly activities to attend to during my free time at tennis the heed them any time.

well, i had a lovely time in NYC on Tuesday. The Museum of Natural Sciences was freaking amazing. i had so much fun. i wish i had a whole day to spend there, but we were getting hungry, so we left. We actually ended up eating at the same TGI Fridays that i ate at the time i first went to NYC with my aunt, sister, and cousin. but i was bloody expensive, so i made sure i at every scrap of food we ordered, and the fact that i am a complete piggy helped with the consumption too. then we wondered around soho and looked at all the pretty things that we couldn't afford, while i walked past scrutinizing every house to discern if it was david bowie's or not. oh and we also walked through central park and took pictures and visited Strawberry Fields. oh and age and kel wisely helped me decide do my senior paper on D. H.Lawrence, whic i am now so excited about. WOOT!

well that is all for now because i am very sticky and sweaty from work, so i am going to go take a shower and get some reading done. tata!
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