It has been some time...

Sep 20, 2017 09:33

I don't know if any of the people who I used to follow are still on here. If you are, hello! If not, that is okay too. Most people that I know of have moved on to other sites -- namely Tumblr -- for their blogging needs, myself being one of them.

I have kept this dusty corner of the internet alive mostly because I cannot convince myself to let it go. There are too many informative-to-myself-years that I have spent on here. Plus I do enjoy going back and reading entries of memories I wrote down. Maybe this will be a palce I will come back to do such a thing again.

What I do know for sure is that if any of my old followers who have moved on come across this journal entry, and if you wish to reconnect and/or follow my much more current places on the internet here is a list of them:

✧  Facebook  ✧  Twitter  ✧  Instagram  ✧  YouTube ✧  DeviantART  ✧  Tumblr  ✧

I hope you all are well, wherever in the ether you may be.

Until next we meet,

cosplay, remembrancing, twitter, youtube, life, deviantart, !public entry

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