Jan 17, 2007 10:22
Dear Annie: I'm 19 and attending college. I room with five other girls, and the father of one of them, Debbie, owns the house we live in.
The problem? Debbie believes that since it is her father's house, she gets to make all the rules. We all agree on no drinking, smoking or doing drugs, but she likes to make up others. For example, she just broke up with her boyfriend and gets jealous when she sees me with mine, so she created a "no dates in the house" rule. When another roommate forgot to come home in time for Debbie's birthday party, Debbie made up a 9 p.m. curfew. She now has a dress code, tells us what we can and can't eat in the house, and she's really starting to tick us off.
When we ignore her rules, Debbie does vindictive things like turn off the power, water or heat. When we complain to her father, he tells us to just humor her a little. It's not possible for me to move out. Am I overreacting?
Annoyed Roommate
My opinion?
Whoop that bitch's ass.