btw guys I have a prettyful background now and its new as of last night so you should all check it out! ♥
W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*
1) pierce your nose or tongue? nose
2) be serious or be funny? both are good at certain times
3) drink whole or skim milk? WHOLE WHOLE WHOLE
* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*
4) simple or complicated? complicated
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
5) flowers or angels? angels
6) grey or gray? grey
7) color or black-and-white photos? black and white, I have a black and white fettish
8) lust or love? love
9) sunrise or sunset? sunset
10) M&Ms or Skittles? skittles
11) rap or rock? rock
12) staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late, Im a night person!
13) TV or radio? radio
15) eating apples or oranges? oranges
* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y
16) Do you have a crush? yesh *teehee*
17) Who is it? ALEX ALEX ALEX
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
18) being hot or cold? hot
19) tall members of the opposite sex? Im so short that I cant help it..
20) sun or moon? moon
21) emeralds or rubies? emeralds
22) left or right? right
23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend, cuz thats all I had at one point and it was good enough for me LOVE YOU KAT!
24) sun or rain? rain...*sigh*
25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? depends on my mood
26) boys or girls? BOYS all around, cuz theyre more fun to hang out with usually and I love ONE boy!
27) green beans or carrots? ick neither
28) low fat or fat free? ahh it doesnt matter
* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *
29) What is your biggest fear in the world? being alone forever
30) kids or no kids? KIDS!!!
31) Cat or dog? DOGGY! wish I had one...
32) Half empty or half full? Half FULL
33) Mustard or ketchup? Mustard! I <3 my mustard!
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books? Hard
35) Newspaper or magazine? Magazine
36) Sandals or sneakers? SANDALS
37) Wonder or amazement? Amazement
38) Red car or white car? RED!
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and Poor...
40) Singing or dancing? BOTH BOTH BOTH!
41) Hugging or kissing? Ummm..well, both are ice at certain times, I like to be held more than anything though... brings me an awesome sense of security!
42) Corduroy or plain? plain
43) Happy or sad? happy
44) Purple or green? PURPLE
45) Blondes, brunettes? BrUnEtTe or PURPLE
* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
What time is it? 12:04 p.m
Pets? Well I have 2 cats and a dog at my dads
Height? 5'4"
Eye color? hazel
Hair color? Ummm I dont know what color to call it...
Piercing(s)? Ears and bellybutton
* . . . W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . . *
Where do you want to live? Cali somewhere
How many kids do you want? 2
Do you want to get married? yes, I do, and I know I will
* . . . W H I C H I S B E T T E R . . . *
2 doors or 4 (on a car)? 2
Coffee or ice cream? COFFEE
Shampoo or conditioner? both one after the other
Bridges or tunnels? TUNNELS, Im deathly afraid of bridges
One pillow or two? one
* . . . W O R D A S S O C I A T I O N . . . * (first thing that comes to mind)
Rock? ON!
Green? EYES!
Crying? River...
Peanut? butter
Roses? are red, violets are blue...
Summer? YAY!!!
Winter? YIKES!
? * . . . F A V O R I T E S . . . *
Salad dressing? Bleu Cheese
Color of socks? All kinds of socks, they must NOT MATCH!
Toothpaste? MINTY
Toothbrush? pruple and cushy
Alcoholic drink? anything that gets the job done! haha!
Non-alcoholic drink? DRPEPPER
* . . . R A N D O M Q U E S T I O N S . . . *
When was your last hospital check-in? a while back
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I have no ideazy, but I kinda like it that way, in ten years I'd like to be married with maybe one kid... or maybe just married... who knows?!
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? yeh
What do you do most often when you are bored? find SOMETHING to do
Name the person that you live farthest from? Alison, John, Jenny, Ross and family etc.. they're all in England